
June 8, 2021

“How Long, Lord?” (episode 17)

Surely one of the most common questions asked by those who love a prodigal is, “How long, Lord?” As our children grow, we move between “Will this phase ever end?” and “How did they grow up so fast?” But when you love a prodi…
June 1, 2021

Life Interrupted by Murder and Prison with Carol and Gene Kent (episode 16)

Carol and Gene Kent were awakened late one night with unbelievable news: Their son Jason had killed a man and was in jail. That was the beginning of an horrific journey. That has led to life transformation for all three of t…
May 25, 2021

The Grace-Full Fathert (episode 15)

The young man took off to a far country, found many friends attracted to his wealth. They lived wild lives—until the money ran out. Suddenly our boy was abandoned, broke, hungry. He got a job feeding pigs—what could be wors…
May 18, 2021

Grace Forgivest (episode 14)

We were out of town. We had an older woman staying in our home that winter. Our prodigal and his friends showed up drunk. They made themselves at home, eating and doing drugs. Our guest made an effort to engage them to break…
May 11, 2021

The Voice of Gracet (episode 13)

One of the most important ways we extend grace to our prodigals is through our words. In Colossians 4:6 Paul reminds us: Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer e…
May 4, 2021

Make Your Mistakes on the Side of Gracet (episode 12)

God has much experience loving prodigals—such as you and me and all of humanity. So He is the perfect companion for us on this wilderness journey. He goes with us, He comforts us, He gives hope, He relieves our fears. And He…
April 27, 2021

Josh McDowell on Building Relationships that Transformt (episode 11)

Josh McDowell, apologist, evangelist, author of more than 150 books and my good friend joins me on this episode to talk about the 7 A’s on Building Relationships that Transform. He explains and illustrates from his own life …
April 20, 2021

How to Love a Prodigal, Part 2 (episode 10)

What did your prodigal do this week to stir up your fear or ignite your anger and make your love shrink back? How do you love them when they don’t deserve it, when they show no love to you? In this Part 2 of How to Love a Pr…
April 13, 2021

How Do You Love a Prodigal, Part 1 (episode 9)

We are called to love like Jesus—unconditionally. Is it even possible to love a prodigal unconditionally? What is unconditional love? They challenge, betray, defy and deny our love. How do we keep loving them? Today’s episod…
April 6, 2021

When Fear Invades (episode 8)

Fear is a close companion when you love a prodigal. Addiction. Pregnancy. Overdose. Wrong friends. Cutting. Suicide. Wasting away because she won’t eat. The call from the jail and the hospital. An accident—injuring self or o…
March 30, 2021

The Relentless Love of God (episode 7)

Often it’s not easy to love a prodigal. Our love is tested and stretched. Unappreciated and questioned. Not returned—even thrown back in our faces. We grow weary and discouraged. What does love look like when our prodigals k…
March 23, 2021

Two Sources of Real Help (episode 6)

Our son – the proverbial tough guy – came home with fear in his eyes. His friends, his gang, had gotten in a dispute with another gang. Somehow he became the focus of the anger of the other gang. Threats ensued. His bravado …
March 16, 2021

What I Have Learned from Prodigals (episode 5)

Dan Wolgemuth is not a prodigal, has no prodigals, but, as President of Youth for Christ, his life revolves around at-risk kids. So much so that he chose to spend some time in Juvenile Detention. Stay connected: Website: jud…
March 9, 2021

What is a Prodigal? (episode 4)

People ask me what “prodigal” means—there are several definitions out there. We will define what we are meaning on this podcast and the how, when and why a person might become a prodigal. Some are rebellious or "bad," but ma…
March 2, 2021

Entering the Wilderness (episode 3)

We all said I do and became one family. We thought peace and calm had arrived, but instead we entered a wilderness journey. Trouble at school, a gang, addictions, Juvenile Detention Center, and a House called Hope. I do was …
Feb. 23, 2021

I Am Sending You a Son (episode 2)

If this was a gift, it was a grievous gift. How does the arrival of a wounded boy become the hardest time of your life and a beautiful gift? Judy Douglass was not prepared for all the trauma this boy had experienced and the …
Feb. 16, 2021

Getting to Know Judy (episode 1)

Who signs up for a 15-year prodigal wilderness? No one does, on purpose. But that’s what Judy Douglass got when she said “yes” to God. Today we get to know Judy Douglass. She made a decision to choose God's way when she was …
Feb. 2, 2021

Introducing, When You Love a Prodigal!

Loving a prodigal is a long, desperate journey. Fear. Worry. Anger. Blame. But God intends to use your valley to fill you with grace and hope.