
Nov. 28, 2022

Progression of Praise

Did you know that praise is not based on emotion? It is not based on whether you had a good or bad day. It is not based on whether you have gone through disappointment or are going through the greatest day of your life and a…
Nov. 19, 2022

The Secret of Sarah

What are some of the tests of Sarah? Dr. Corral will show you how the Torah will describe Sarah and how important the descriptions of Sarah are prophetically applied to your life.
Nov. 18, 2022

The Test Is For Your Best

We need to understand that the patriarchs and, particularly, the advocates, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, teach us the art of passing the test. Do you want to pass the test? Life is a test. Dr. Corral will teach you in this we…
Nov. 11, 2022

Discovering Your God Given Purpose

Are you ready to fulfill your destiny? The Lord has called you for a special purpose, but to fulfill your destiny, you must be ready. Join Dr. Michelle Corral for this podcast episode as she teaches how you can discover your…
Nov. 10, 2022

God's Got Your Back Before The Attack

God always has our back before the attack. He is a God who always prepares the way. It may look dark. It may look difficult. We may say, I don't understand why God allowed this in my life, but God always has a plan. In this …
Nov. 3, 2022

Similitudes & Patterns

Dr. Corral will explain how God always speaks in patterns when he is speaking in prophetic mysteries and how prophetic mysteries are deliberate in the form of patterns.
Oct. 26, 2022

A New Anointing On Your Life

Join Dr. Michelle Corral this week for “Day of Destiny” to hear her teaching on how God’s anointing can work in your life and for your destiny. Dr. Michelle Corral dives deep into scriptural teachings and provides life-chang…
Oct. 18, 2022

Prophetic Parallels of The Cross

The cross made a difference for your sorrow, tribulation, and devastation. In this episode, Dr. Corral will teach you the prophetic parallels of the cross and Sukkot.
Oct. 14, 2022

Finding Joy in Sacrifice

Are you feeling like you are in a place where you are lost and like your work is seeing no progress despite the time you pour into it? These places that feel so lonely and discouraging are often the best opportunities to gro…
Oct. 12, 2022

Restoration And Elevation In Your Life

Every biblical feast is attached to a significant event. Join Dr. Michelle Corral as she teaches what this means in the season of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah season is a time for restoration and divine elevation in your lif…
Oct. 7, 2022

Scriptural Secrets During the Season of Rosh Hashanah

During this season of Rosh Hashanah, are you longing to grow and learn more about what scriptures have a special spiritual significance? Join Dr. Michelle Corral for this podcast episode of “Day of Destiny” as she teaches ab…
Oct. 5, 2022

Scriptural Secrets of Suffering

Have you ever wondered why the Lord allows us to go through spiritual trials and tribulations? Join Dr. Michelle Corral for this week’s podcast episode as she uncovers the scriptural secrets of suffering. Step out of despair…
Sept. 30, 2022

The Supernatural Secrets of Revival: Igniting the Heavenly Fire

There is nothing in the Bible that is irrelevant to our lives. This podcast episode of “Day of Destiny” is about the supernatural secrets of revival and what it means for your life and your God-given destiny. Sit down with D…
Sept. 27, 2022

The Prophetic Parallels of Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah season is upon us; for those who have never heard of this before, Dr. Corral will teach you that all the dates in the Bible correspond on connecting to dates with Destiny. Listen in and see the power revelation…
Sept. 23, 2022

This Test Is For Your Best

Have you ever wondered why God allows trials in your life? Did you know that this test was for your best? The Bible teaches us all through the Scriptures that when we pass the test, God always brings us into our best. In thi…
Sept. 21, 2022

The Miraculous Manifestation of God’s Glory

How can we maintain the Glory of God in our lives? How do we see the Glory of God miraculously manifested in our lives? This we can learn from the life of Moses. Dr. Michelle Corral breaks down teachings from the book of Num…
Sept. 16, 2022

Miraculous Moments with Destiny

Do you want to break out of your bondage and step into your God-given destiny? God has a special plan for you and your life. Dr. Michelle Corral covers teachings from the Torah and how they are significant to your life and b…
Sept. 13, 2022

The Time Of Personal Providence With The Lord

In a world that is so interconnected through social media, it is easy to feel disconnected from our relationship with God. Right now, we are going through a biblical season where the Lord is looking to restore his relationsh…
Sept. 9, 2022

Breaking Free from Spiritual Bondage

Have you ever felt like you were being held back from your destiny? This Rosh Hashanah season, join Dr. Michelle Corral for this podcast episode as she talks about becoming reconnected with the Lord and breaking free from th…
Sept. 7, 2022

Preparation for Your Restoration

Preparation for Your Restoration: Repentance During the Rosh Hashana Season: Are you curious to learn more about Rosh Hashanah and what its spiritual significance means in your life and your destiny? Join Dr. Michelle Corral…
Sept. 2, 2022

Salvation Inscribed In Creation

God's sign of salvation is inscribed in creation, and that is revealed in the cross and the resurrection. On the third day of creation, the Bible says the tree was created. In This episode, Dr. Corral shows you the prophetic…
Aug. 30, 2022

Bringing Heaven Down To Earth

Learn the scriptural secrets of what can constrain and restrain the glory of God in our life. The scriptures teach us certain character traits that are incompatible with the glory of God. Learn how the miraculous glory of …
Aug. 26, 2022

Restoration after Desolation

Jerusalem was destroyed, to be rebuilt. In This Episode, Dr. Corral shows us how God will restore you out of your ruins. See How God will give you hope, and greatness, out of your trials and pain.
Aug. 24, 2022

God's Glory Through Sacrifice

The glory of God falls through sacrifice Let Dr. Corral share with you about this glory. God wants you to know you can bring that glory down.