
May 13, 2022

The Personal, Prophetic, and Relevant Teachings of The Bible

Everything in the Bible is personal, prophetic, and relevant. When we study the Bible often we ask "How is this relevant to the times we live in now? How can this be applicable to my life?". Dr. Michelle Corral teaches on th…
May 11, 2022

The Authentic Revival of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever felt like the presence of the Lord had been lifted from your life for a period? Do you feel like that now? Are you looking for a revival of the presence of the Lord in your life? When the Lord steps back, he is…
May 4, 2022

The Lord’s Special Plan for You

Do you trust that the Lord has a plan for your life? Sometimes it is so easy to lose sight that God has a plan for you. This week’s podcast episode is about learning to trust the process of the Lord and answering His call fo…
April 27, 2022

Your Season of Preparation

Do you ever feel like you have been praying to the Lord for a breakthrough, but you begin to feel hopeless because nothing has changed yet? Sometimes when before the Lord answers our prayer, he waits to see if we are ready. …
April 22, 2022

Deliverance From Your Egypt

It is so easy to feel hopeless and stuck in a time of trial. So often we feel discouraged to move out and break free from the bondage that is holding us back from our destiny. Just as God delivered the Jews from Egypt, He wi…
April 19, 2022

Your Miracle At Midnight

God has a plan for you, and in times of great despair and trial, it is hard to remember that there is a plan for you and your life. Often it feels like the struggle is never-ending, but God reminds us that there is a light a…
April 14, 2022

The Spirit of Prophecy

Are you ready for your Exodus experience– to come out of a place of darkness? Are you ready to walk with the Lord and partner with Him to step into your destiny? If so then you must listen to this week’s podcast episode abou…
April 12, 2022

Your Day of Deliverance & Breaking Free from Bondage Through the Holy Spirit

Are you ready to get free? Being free in terms of the world is entirely different from what it means to be free in the terms of the Bible. The world’s version of freedom is not really freedom. That is why we must be set free…
April 8, 2022

You’re Not Coming Out Empty Your Exodus Experience

Making the decision to move forward with your destiny sometimes means leaving a physical place but also a state of mind. Coming out of a state of mind and breaking out of a cycle of thought is oftentimes more powerful than l…
April 7, 2022

The Depth of Deliverance Out of Your Egypt

Do you ever feel stuck in a place that you cannot get out of? Or that external or internal pressures are holding you back from progress? On this week’s podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral breaks down how to break out of wha…
April 1, 2022

Little Secrets that Bring Big Success - The Scriptural Secrets in the Book of Esther

How can you be an influence your generation? In the Book of Esther, we can learn how to be leaders of our generations by listening and following God. Listen in to this week’s podcast to hear Dr. Michelle Corral’s teaching on…
March 30, 2022

Break Away From Your Past & Step Into Your Destiny

This week’s podcast episode teaches us what it means to break down the barriers that are holding us back with the help of God. Listen in to hear what Dr. Michelle Corral can teach us about breaking free from what is holding …
March 23, 2022

The Scepter of Influence - The Purpose Behind Your Platform

In this podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral would like to invite you to join her in discussing the character, platform, and history of Queen Esther from the Bible. This episode dives into the historical relevance of the Boo…
March 18, 2022

Delivered for Your Destiny

In this life it is so easy to feel like a captive in our own circumstances. It is so easy to feel like things will never change for the better. However, just as God helped free the Jews from Egypt and Pharaoh in the Book of …
March 11, 2022

Day of Destiny - Special Guest Dr. Cindy Trimm

Dr. Cindy Trimm and Dr. Michelle Corral partner together on this week’s podcast episode. The world wants you to believe that you’re not adequate. However the Lord says, “Step into your destiny!”. this week‘s podcast episode …
March 4, 2022

The Prophetic Properties of The Plan

Making and following a plan is a crucial element to most things in life. This week’s podcast episode teaches the biblical importance of making and carrying out a plan. If we plan with God for our lives, we will be able to fu…
March 2, 2022

Strategies of Spiritual Warfare In The Book of Esther

This week’s episode of Dr. Michelle Corral’s podcast, Day of Destiny dives into the story of Esther in the Bible. Dr. Michelle Corral covers the historical relevance of her story to modern history and the world around us. Wh…
Feb. 25, 2022

Finding Favor with the King

Have you ever had something happen to you that completely displaced you from your normal life? Or learned new information that completely took you away from your previous perspective on things? No matter how big or small, al…
Feb. 18, 2022

Your Platform Your Purpose - The Door To Your Destiny

Do you feel like you have become unsatisfyingly stagnant in your life? Do you feel like something is holding you back from reaching your full potential? Do you feel like you do not know how to take the next steps to achieve …
Feb. 16, 2022

Esther and The Spirit of Prophecy

Are you wondering what is the secret to fulfilling your destiny? The answer is simple: partnering with God on a spiritual journey. In this episode, Dr. Michelle Corral teaches from the Book of Esther and how she exemplifies …
Feb. 11, 2022

When the King Extends The Scepter of Influence

What is your platform? How are you using that platform for the betterment of your community, family, or just simply the people that surround you in your day-to-day life? A platform is something that is to be used as a launch…
Feb. 9, 2022

Little Secrets Big Success

Did you know that no one gets a free pass to destiny? The Bible always gives us a resume to those who have stepped into their highest purpose. Little Secrets to Big Success is destined to turn your life around.
Feb. 4, 2022

Destroying Decrees of End Times. The Prophetic Secrets in Esther and Daniel

Are you ready to live your destiny this year? This episode with Dr. Michelle Corral immerses listeners in a teaching of destiny and why every single one of them has been called for such a time as this. Listen in to understan…
Feb. 2, 2022

Destroying The Decree, The Supernatural Secrets In The Book of Esther

Whether you have been here since the beginning or are just beginning to listen now, Dr. Michelle Corral opens the door for anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of the Word of the Lord and how it’s meaning is relevant…