
Aug. 19, 2022

The Holy Spirit and The Supernatural Secrets of Revival

What can we learn about the supernatural secrets of miraculous revival from the Old Testament? Join Dr. Michelle Corral for this podcast episode as she teaches the supernatural secrets of revival and why they are relevant to…
Aug. 18, 2022

Take Back Territory

Dr. Corral teaches you how to take back everything that that devil stole. Learn advanced Torah concepts that will move you into your destiny!
Aug. 12, 2022

Listening to the Silence of the Lord and What it Means for Your Destiny

What does it mean when we can’t hear from God anymore? What does it mean when we feel an emptiness in the Spirit? In this podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral teaches what it means to lose the anointing in your life and wha…
Aug. 9, 2022

The Breakthrough after You Have Been Broken Down

Have you ever felt so hopeless that you thought there was nothing left that could make your situation turn around? In this podcast, Dr. Michelle Corral teaches how our suffering prepares us for our breakthroughs. Just when y…
Aug. 5, 2022

The Scepter of Influence - Using Your God-Given Platform

In this podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral explains the spiritual significance of using your God-given platform for others. Dr. Michelle Corral teaches how we can discover our platform and set out to use it to help the wor…
Aug. 2, 2022

Miracles in the Old Testament

This podcast episode covers teachings from the Old Testament of the Bible and how they are significant to you and your destiny. Dr. Michelle Corral dives into the history behind ancient Israel and how it coincides with the O…
July 28, 2022

Rebuilding The Ruins For Revival

We are in the midst of revival. God, today wants us to be in a revival. Today's podcast teaches you about the spiritual significance of rebuilding the ruins of revival. Join us today as Dr. Corral looks at the book of Nehemi…
July 22, 2022

The Supernatural Secrets of Revival

One of the most powerful principles in God's Word concerning revival is repairing the ruins. Nehemiah put his entire life on the line to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the ruins. Today's podcast is just for you and will cha…
July 15, 2022

The Build Up to Your Breakthrough

Sometimes when we think everything in our life is going not to plan, we are really being prepared by the Lord for our destiny; for a breakthrough. In this podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral teaches on biblical breakthrough…
July 13, 2022

Secrets of Rebuilding The Ruins In Your Life

On today's podcast, Dr. Corral will show you the promises God gave to Zion. Find hope of getting your dream back as Dr. Corral looks at the book of Nehemiah and reveals the promises of restoration.
July 5, 2022

Coming Out of Despair and Stepping Into Your Destiny

In our deepest moments of despair, who can we turn to for comfort? We can turn to the Lord. In today's podcast episode, Dr. Michelle Corral teaches how to turn to the Lord during moments of despair and sorrow.
June 30, 2022

The Gift of Tongues

What is the difference between the sign of tongues and the gift of tongues? In this episode, Dr. Corral will explain the difference and how you can receive the gifts of the holy spirit and receive the Holy Spirit.
June 24, 2022


Join Dr. Michelle Corral for her third segment in The Attributes of Revival series. This segment focuses on how to depend on God in times when you feel his absence. Dr. Corral dives deep into scriptures on revival and how th…
June 22, 2022


This week's podcast episode is a continuation of Dr. Michelle Corral‘s teaching on the attributes of revival. Listen to Dr. Corral’s teaching to hear how William Joseph Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival sparked a worldwid…
June 17, 2022

The Attributes of Revival

In this episode, Dr. Corral uses the supernatural secrets of revival at Azusa Street and compares them to the miraculous manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts. This teaching will re-awaken the personal promis…
June 16, 2022

Baptism In The Holy Spirit

Are you curious about what “baptism in the Spirit” actually means? Listen to this week’s podcast episode to hear what this means and how it is relevant to your life. Dr. Michelle Corral breaks down what it means to be baptiz…
June 10, 2022

The Anointing: How to Receive It , How to Perceive It

It is time to step into the Lord’s anointing! Listen to this week’s podcast episode to understand the scriptural significance of the Lord’s anointing and what it means in your life! Dr. Michelle Corral teaches in-depth about…
June 8, 2022

Fields of Destiny

Do you ever feel burdened? Whether it be from grief or stress, it is normal to feel burdened by the weight of these emotions. However, when feeling like this it is so important to turn to God in prayer. Listen to this week’s…
June 3, 2022

The Secrets of The Anointing

This week’s podcast episode dives into the scriptural significance of the anointing. Listen in to hear Dr. Michelle Corral’s teaching on how to step into your destiny!
May 31, 2022

The Holy Ghost Makes History

This week’s podcast episode is a teaching on the power of the Holy Ghost. Dr. Michelle Corral teaches what it means to feel the Holy Ghost and the historical figures that were pivotal to revival and social equity during the …
May 27, 2022

Uncommon Favor For All Your Labor

How do you arrive at a place of supernatural promise and purpose? Did you know heaven orchestrated and coordinated miraculous moments with destiny for Ruth. ? In this episode Dr. Corral teaches why God blessed Ruth with unco…
May 25, 2022

The Supernatural Substance of Faith

Do you need a mountain moved in your life? God has promised us in his word that nothing shall be impossible to you. Jesus said in Mark 11:23; if you say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea and shall not doubt i…
May 20, 2022

Miraculous Manifestations of Baptism In The Spirit

The Bible says “Greater Works shall you do than these shall you do because I go to my father.” ~ John 14:12 Your destiny is to move mountains and live in the impossible. Jesus said, "nothing shall be impossible to you." ~Mat…
May 18, 2022

Pentecost & The Power of The Prophet

In the book of Acts, the text teaches there is a defined difference between prophecy, prophesying, and the office of the prophet. Did you know that through a prophetic word given in a congregation that had the spiritual subs…