Jesus became a curse to redeem His people from the curse of the Law. What does that mean? Through His crucifixion and resurrection, He also redeemed us from enemies stronger than us, things we never could have conquered on ou...
Old Covenant redemption laws amazingly foreshadowed what Jesus, the great Redeemer, would accomplish in the New Covenant. Also, the same Hebrew word translated “Redeemer” is also translated three other ways producing a powerf...
The first mention of redemption in the Bible unveils such mysteries and such powerful revelation. Learning to “say so”—to confess your redemption rights—is an important part of seizing what is rightfully yours. Learn God’s pe...
God refers to Israel as “His Dominion” in Psalm 114:2—in other words, the one nation in this world under the authority of the King of all creation. Those who are born again have been grafted into Israel. Therefore, we inherit...
Zechariah 9:12 says, “Return to the stronghold, you PRISONERS OF HOPE. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” Why would God refer to His people with such a negative term? Is there a positive and powerful rev...
God calls His people to speak as “oracles of God” (1 Pt. 4:11). In other words, we are to speak as if God is speaking through us—words of truth, words of faith, words of love, words that are powerfully anointed of His Spirit,...
While conversing with a scribe, Jesus revealed the most excellent personality trait of God’s kingdom. In two epistles, Paul explained the character of the kingdom by telling us what it is not. Learn these spiritual keys and h...
Born-again believers inherit God’s kingdom, both now and forevermore. The attributes of the King of kings are transferred to his royal heirs—His love, joy, power, wisdom, grace, and so much more. No wonder He told us to pray,...
Nature abides by certain laws that determine its functions. Every nation has established laws revealing the privileges it provides and the behavior it demands of its citizens. There are certain primary laws in the kingdom of ...
Jesus gave definite signs that describe those filling the role of a true disciple. What are these attributes? Is the church measuring up? What can we do to move up to the next level? Are you daring enough to listen to a prese...
The word “disciple” is the most used title in the New Testament for followers of Jesus. Curiously, it only appears once in the Old Testament—in a mysterious passage that describes disciples as possessing “awakened ears” and “...
“The apple of God’s eye” is one of the most heartwarming names given to His people. It means deeply loved and dearly cherished. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with the fruit, the apple. Instead, it refers to...
The Father is the great Gift-giver. When Jesus, the Son, ascended to heaven, He led captivity captive and received gifts for men. He promised to grant the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who repent. When the Helper, the Holy...
Historically, seven types of individuals were anointed in the Old Testament. All of them foreshadowed the Messiah to come who would fulfill all these anointed roles in the highest degree possible. But here is the mystery of m...
Why did the prophet Isaiah boldly insist, “The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isaiah 10:27)? What is “the anointing,” who are “the anointed,” and what does a “yoke” represent? Many mysteries will be reveal...
The solution for the fallen condition of the human race is not rehabilitation; it’s recreation! Only in Christianity is this offered. “If anyone is in Christ, he is A NEW CREATION” (2 Cor. 5:17). In the New Covenant, God give...
God calls His people “the heavenly” even when they are dwelling on the earth. We sit together in heavenly places. We partake of a heavenly calling. We are filled with the heavenly gift and on our way to a heavenly city. Howev...
God assured Elijah that He had reserved 7,000 men to Himself who refused to bow their knees to Baal. When Paul expounded on this centuries later, the apostle exclaimed, “Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant a...
Why are the righteous angels, Israel, Jesus, and all members of the Church of the New Covenant all referred to as “the elect”? What is “divine election”? What insights are revealed in this area by ancient biblical languages? ...
Martin Luther was a passionate, soul-searching, truth-seeking Catholic monk who could never feel right with God. Because of the rigors of monastic life, he confessed he went through, “such anguish as no pen can describe.” But...
Find out why the true “Church” is the most valuable, most important, more holy, most knowledgeable, most victorious, most stable, most unique, most authoritative, and most undefeatable institution in the world. Most important...
What does the word “church” mean? Is there a false church and a true church? Did it exist in the Old Testament? When was it first mentioned? Jesus claimed “the gates of Hades will not prevail” against the church. Is this just...
Those named “children of promise” and “heirs of promise” have inherited a treasure-trove from our heavenly Father called “the covenants of promise” (Eph. 2:12). God has established nine covenants in this world from the beginn...
God’s covenant people are named “HEIRS OF PROMISE” in Hebrews 6:17. As believers, we will never face anything in life without a promise strong enough to make us overcomers. “All the promises of God” in Christ are “Yes, and Am...