
Oct. 12, 2023

God Calls Us His “HIDDEN ONES” (192)

God names His people “hidden ones” in Psalm 83:3. First, this passage applies to Israel, surrounded by nations that would like to destroy her. Second, it applies to God’s New Covenant people who have been grafted into Israel…
Oct. 5, 2023

Our Calling to Be AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST (191)

Ambassadors are representatives, messengers sent on a specific mission, those who speak, not their own minds, but the mind and will of those nations or rulers who are being represented. This episode will open your eyes to th…
Sept. 28, 2023

Our Calling to Be GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS (190)

In the book of the Revelation, the seven churches of Asia are symbolized by seven menorah lampstands, similar to the ones that lit the holy place in the temple of God, two thousand years ago. There are five facets to a seven…
Sept. 28, 2023

More Names of the Holy Spirit—Powerful! (189)

The names of the Holy Spirit revealed in this episode are so life-changing and edifying, like: the Spirit of life, the Spirit of adoption, the Spirit of grace and supplication, and the Spirit of glory. Because believers are …
Sept. 15, 2023

Names of the Holy Spirit (188)

Various names given to the Holy Spirit indicate our inheritance as “partakers of the Holy Spirit” (Heb. 6:4). For example, He is called “the Helper” so we can expect Him to help us in time of need. He is the “Spirit of wisdo…
Sept. 8, 2023

Our Calling to Be “Signs and Wonders” (187)

The God of the Bible is a God of signs and wonders. He brought His people Israel out of Egypt with signs and wonders and then they became a sign and a wonder in this world. He birthed the church on Pentecost with signs and w…
Sept. 1, 2023

Stewards of the Mysteries of God (186)

A steward is a trusted manager, an overseer over another person’s affairs or goods. Amazingly, those who are born again are named “stewards of the mysteries of God.” What a holy charge! What a weighty responsibility! What a …
Aug. 25, 2023

The Miracle of Imparted Righteousness (185)

The impartation of righteousness is one of the most amazing promises found in the Bible. God’s Word indicts the whole human race with the statement, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). So how is it even pos…
Aug. 18, 2023

The Miracle of a Circumcised Heart (184)

God speaks in poetical, metaphorical ways. Often, natural things He commands become prophetic symbols of supernatural realities. For instance, when God gave the rite of circumcision to Abraham, He was foreshadowing the New C…
Aug. 11, 2023

You are a love letter from God (“The Epistle of Christ”) (183)

An epistle is a letter to an individual or a group. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament are epistles, small portions of the total written Word. But believers are small portions of the total LIVING WORD.…
Aug. 4, 2023

“Children of Wisdom” Discover Their Unique Destiny (182)

Supernatural wisdom is an impartation from the heavenly Father. He promises to pour out “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation” on those who love Him, that we might know the hope of our calling and the greatness of His power. …
July 28, 2023

Contagious Converts (181)

This episode will help you be a greater influencer! But first, what does the mysterious word “Zion” mean and why are God’s people referred to as “Zion’s Converts” in Isaiah 1:27? The mystery unveiled is powerful! Also, have …
July 21, 2023

Miraculous Metamorphosis (180)

The name “converts” only appears one time in the Bible for God’s people (Isaiah 1:27). However, the revelation attached to that name is deep, awe inspiring and powerful. True believers are in the process of being “converted”…
July 14, 2023

Inheritors of God’s Mountains (179)

Did you know that true Christians have inherited eight major biblical mountains? Of course, this is not a literal physical inheritance, but a spiritual one—an impartation you share with every other born-again child of God un…
July 7, 2023

Are All Believers PRIESTS! (178)

Are ancient religious traditions true? Is the priesthood exclusive? Do only a few qualify? Or has God provided a way for all true believers to be priests? If the latter is correct, how does God qualify His people for such a …
June 30, 2023

Are All Believers SAINTS? (177)

Are you a saint? The majority of professing Christians would probably stall before attempting to answer that question—because most of them assume that only those who achieve a high degree of spirituality and religious devoti…
June 23, 2023

We Are “A New Creation in Christ”! (176)

The solution for the fallen condition of the human race is not rehabilitation; it’s recreation! Only in Christianity is this offered. “If anyone is in Christ, he is A NEW CREATION” (2 Cor. 5:17). In the New Covenant, God giv…
June 16, 2023

The Spectacular New Covenant (175)

God has established nine covenants to redeem and restore His people in this world. The eighth is called “The New Covenant”—because this covenant is especially about God making all things new. It begins invisibly and internal…
June 9, 2023

The Powerful Revelation of Human Covenants (174)

The incredibly edifying revelation of the covenant we have with God is symbolized by certain human covenants recorded in the Bible. Four heartwarming stories reveal unforgettable prophetic details that will open up your unde…
June 2, 2023

Establishing a Covenant Relationship with God—Powerful!!! (173)

God has established nine major covenants from the Garden of Eden onward. The most stable people in this unstable world are those who accept the terms of His covenants and receive the associated promises. Those who understand…
May 26, 2023

Why would JESUS challenge His disciples to be “THE VIOLENT”? (172)

Jesus encourages His followers to be “the violent” in Matthew 11:12. Was He advocating an aggressive overthrow of the Roman government? Aren’t we supposed to be meek and gentle, toward God and toward people? Why did Jesus sa…
May 19, 2023

“Children of Zion”—An Amazing Revelation (171)

The word “Zion” means fortress (a stronghold of defense). Those in covenant with the God of Abraham (the King of Zion) qualify as “Children of Zion” because they have become a fortress of faith in a world full of unbelief, a…
May 12, 2023

Eve: A Symbol of the Bride of Christ (170)

God often hides prophetic foreshadowings in actions He performs. That’s the way the Divine mind works. When He brought forth Eve out of Adam, He was simultaneously foreshadowing how He would bring forth an eternal bride out …
May 5, 2023

The "Lamb's Wife"—A Sacred Eternal Union (169)

Believers are called “the Lamb’s wife” in Revelation 21:9. What an amazing privilege, that we, an earthborn bride, could be in a sacred, covenantal, eternal union with the heavenly Bridegroom. Biblically, the Lamb’s wife is …