
March 29, 2024

The King, His Bride, and the Symbol of Thorns (216)

One of the most heart-gripping parts of Passion Week involves Jesus being crowned with thorns. Weren’t thorns a sign of God’s curse in the beginning? Also, why is the bride of Christ referred to as a “lily among thorns” in t…
March 22, 2024

You Are "Children of Promise"! (215)

Born-again children of God exist simply because they believed and received the biblical promises that result in spiritual rebirth. But there is so much more to this status. God has given 7,487 promises in His Word—and they a…
March 15, 2024

The Revelation of God’s Name (214)

Scripture teaches that New Testament children of God are “a people for His name” (Acts 15:14). If so, we need to understand how His name has been progressively revealed over thousands of years. Almost 7,000 times in the orig…
March 8, 2024

The Night Jesus Appeared to Me Weeping (213)

Many years ago, Jesus appeared to me in a dream weeping. What He said gave me a much deeper appreciation concerning our calling to be “a people for His name” (Acts 15:14). Once His glorious name is revealed, it becomes our s…
March 2, 2024

For His Name’s Sake! (212)

In the first apostolic council, new converts coming to the Lord were called “a people for His name.” This initial name for God’s people has five powerful applications. In this episode, we will discover the wonder of the firs…
Feb. 24, 2024

Heirs of the Kingdom - Part 2 / Essential Attributes (211)

While conversing with a scribe, Jesus revealed the most excellent personality trait of God’s kingdom. In two epistles, Paul explained the character of the kingdom by telling us what it is not. Learn how miracles often manife…
Feb. 16, 2024

Heirs of the Kingdom / Our Royal Inheritance - Part 1 (210)

Born-again believers inherit God’s kingdom, both now and forevermore. The attributes of the King of kings are transferred to his royal heirs—His love, joy, power, wisdom, grace, and so much more. No wonder He told us to pray…
Feb. 9, 2024

Stewards of the Grace of God (209)

Once you receive God’s grace, you’re called to pour it out to other people (even your enemies) and back to God Himself (pretty amazing, right?!?!). First Peter 4:10 challenges us to be “good stewards of the manifold grace of…
Feb. 2, 2024

Our Glorious Status: Heirs of the Grace of Life / Part 3 (208)

Discover the meaning of an original Hebrew word translated “grace”! Find out the first mention of grace in the Bible. Learn the two main things Moses claimed prove that God’s grace is with us. What are the two means by which…
Jan. 26, 2024

Our Glorious Status: Heirs of the Grace of Life / Part 2 (207)

When did you first receive grace? You may be amazed. What is the most misinterpreted scripture concerning grace? The secular world especially gets it wrong. What are the two erroneous extremes to which people take the messag…
Jan. 19, 2024

Our Glorious Status: Heirs of the Grace of Life / Part 1 (206)

One of the most spectacular aspects of our inheritance is the gift of the grace of God. First Peter 3:7 even calls God’s people “heirs of the grace of life.” The Greek word translated "life" is zoe, meaning divine life (the …
Jan. 12, 2024

10 God-Given Names Revealing Our Spectacular Inheritance (205)

Born-again believers are named “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” in Romans 8:16-17. The implications of that statement are absolutely astounding! But those are just two of ten biblical names given to the children o…
Jan. 5, 2024

Children of the Prophets (204)

In Acts 3:25 God’s people are called “children of the prophets and of the covenant.” Those two primary influences brought to birth the nation of Israel in the Old Testament period, as well as the Church in the New Covenant e…
Dec. 30, 2023

God’s People Are Called “His Beloved.” Amazing! (203)

Born-again believers are just as beloved of the Father as Jesus, the firstborn Son, if their lives are sincerely surrendered to Him. Hard to believe? One statement Jesus made proves this amazing truth. When you realize the p…
Dec. 22, 2023

Shining Like STARS Forever! (202)

Wise men from the East were led by a star to Bethlehem, to the home where Joseph, Mary, and the Messiah-child were living. Those who truly know God are called to fill a similar role, guiding others to the Savior of the world…
Dec. 15, 2023

The Redeemed of the Lord / Part 3 (201)

Jesus became a curse to redeem His people from the curse of the Law. What does that mean? Through His crucifixion and resurrection, He also redeemed us from enemies stronger than us, things we never could have conquered on o…
Dec. 6, 2023

The Redeemed of the Lord / Part 2 (200)

Old Covenant redemption laws amazingly foreshadowed what Jesus came to accomplish in the New Covenant. The same Hebrew word translated “redeemer” is also rendered “nearest kinsman” and “avenger” of blood. How are these relat…
Dec. 1, 2023

The Redeemed of the Lord / Part 1 (199)

The first mention of redemption in the Bible unveils such mysteries and such powerful revelation. Learning to “say so”—to confess your redemption rights is an important part of seizing what is rightfully yours. Learn God’s p…
Nov. 22, 2023


Why does the Bible say if believers fear the Lord, it will be health to all their flesh? Isn’t fear the opposite of faith? Isn’t faith necessary to receive a miracle? Is it right or wrong to confess the promises of God? Does…
Nov. 17, 2023

Keys to Healing / Part One (197)

Does God still heal the sick? The Bible clearly reveals that He does. Christians are named “heirs of God” and healing is part of our inheritance. But how do we access it? There are definite keys that enable and empower those…
Nov. 9, 2023

The Name for God’s People that Launched the New Covenant (196)

In the first main statement of Jesus’ first main recorded sermon, He unveiled a name for God’s people that is deeply mysterious and powerfully profound. It provided the foundation for all the Messiah’s teaching yet to come a…
Nov. 2, 2023

Increase Your Faith – Supernaturally!!! (195)

The disciples asked Jesus, “Increase our faith.” Instead of working a spectacular miracle, the Son of God responded by sharing two mini-parables. Surprisingly, one of them sounds even destructive to faith—until the deeper me…
Oct. 27, 2023

The Unconquerable Household of Faith

One of the most remarkable and recognizable characteristics of the family of God is the gift of faith that resides within us. This wondrous ability to believe creates an unbreakable bond—that binds us to God and to each othe…
Oct. 20, 2023

Our Calling to Be “The Mighty” (193)

God’s people are called “the mighty” in Psalm 29 and “sons of the mighty” in Psalm 89. Our Father is the Almighty (the all-powerful, all-sufficient God). The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of might” who dwells within us, strengt…