
April 21, 2023

The Mystery of the Bride of Christ (168)

True followers of Jesus are referred to as His bride. We are presently engaged to the heavenly Bridegroom, the King of kings, as a “chaste virgin” and destined to be married to Him forever. Ultimately, all consecrated, born-…
April 15, 2023

Are you among “the Living” or among “the walking dead”? (167)

Jesus will judge between “the living and the dead at His appearing,” when He ushers His kingdom fully into this world. That’s not talking about distinguishing those who are alive physically from those who are dead naturally,…
April 7, 2023

Inherit Resurrection Power—Right Now! (166)

Most believers view the resurrection through a historical lens: celebrating the great victory Jesus won almost 2,000 years ago. However, there is an overflow of power from the empty tomb that is still rushing through this wo…
March 31, 2023

14 Rewards Promised to the OVERCOMER / Part Two (165)

Fourteen awe-inspiring rewards are promised to overcomers in the book of the Revelation. On this episode we will examine the last seven: mysteries like “white garments” and “the book of life” to the incredible promise of “in…
March 24, 2023

14 Rewards Promised to the OVERCOMER / Part One (164)

Fourteen awe-inspiring rewards are promised to overcomers in the book of the Revelation—taking us from the tree of life to the very throne of God. The revelation of seven of those rewards are showcased in this episode. Your …
March 17, 2023

You Are an OVERCOMER! (163)

True followers of Jesus are described as “overcomers” in the book of Revelation. Though this world is increasingly becoming more corrupt, God has already decreed that we emerge from these dark final days triumphant. He has g…
March 3, 2023

The Mystery of the Tetragrammaton (162)

In the Old Testament, in the original Hebrew, the primary revealed name of God is only four letters long—equivalent in English to YHWH. There is a great mystery attached to this sacred, ineffable name. It appears 6828 times …
Feb. 24, 2023

The Night Jesus Appeared to Me Weeping (161)

One of the most profound dreams I have ever received gave me a deeper understanding why believers in Jesus are called “a people for His name” (Acts 15:14). This episode is Part 2 of the teaching on that title for God’s peopl…
Feb. 17, 2023

The First Name for God’s Church / Part 1 (160)

In the first apostolic council, new converts coming to the Lord were called “a people for His name.” This initial name for God’s people has five powerful applications. In this episode, we will discover the wonder of the firs…
Feb. 10, 2023

Children of the Day (159)

Children of the day are blessed individuals whose lives have been illuminated by an encounter with Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, who arises over them with healing in His wings. This happens when believers hallow the name …
Feb. 2, 2023

Children of Light in a Very Dark World (158)

We are living in very dark times, but God's people are called "CHILDREN OF LIGHT and the CHILDREN OF THE DAY. We are not of the night nor of darkness.” The symbol of light, applied to both God and His people, contains many i…
Jan. 27, 2023

ZION: A Powerful Name for God’s People (157)

The word “Zion” means fortress. Biblically, it refers to seven distinct things, including God’s people and the eternal city in which they will dwell. Those who are born again are in covenant with the King of Zion (Yeshuah) a…
Jan. 22, 2023

The Mystery of the Seal of God (156)

God’s redeemed and chosen ones receive “the seal of the living God.” What is this mysterious “seal” and how does it affect sons and daughters of God? Why is this “seal” a guarantee that God will do a complete work in His own…
Jan. 13, 2023

Your 3 Greatest Ministry Opportunities!!! (155)

Every true child of God is a minister! Peter said, “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10). Then Paul revealed the three greatest ministry o…
Jan. 6, 2023

Every True Believer Is a "Minister of God"! (154)

Is the division between “ministry” and “laity” true, or is it a false, non-biblical, manmade concept that discourages many gifted people from functioning in their ordained roles? Does the Bible impart to all believers the ti…
Dec. 31, 2022

YOUR SPIRITUAL IDENTITY: God’s Fingerprint on Your Life (153)

When God touches a person’s life, He grants a new identity, a new nature, and a new purpose. From the very beginning, He has named those He chooses—like Adam, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, John the Baptist, Peter, James and …
Dec. 22, 2022

Shining Like STARS Forever! (152)

Wise men from the East were led by a star to Bethlehem, to the home where Joseph, Mary, and the Messiah-child were living. Those who truly know God are called to fill a similar role, guiding others to the Savior of the world…
Dec. 16, 2022

Celebrating the Giver, the Gifts, and the Gifted! (151)

The Father is the great Gift-giver. When Jesus, the Son, ascended to heaven, He led captivity captive and received gifts for men. He promised to grant the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who repent. When the Helper, the Hol…
Dec. 9, 2022

You Are “A Gift for the Lord”! (150)

Under the Old Covenant, Aaron and his sons were given the priesthood as a “gift for service” and the rest of the Levites were referred to as a “gift for the LORD” as they performed the service of the tabernacle (Numbers 18:6…
Nov. 29, 2022

Hear the Roar! Awake the LION! (149)

Christians often assign the image of a ferocious lion to Satan while envisioning themselves as defenseless, vulnerable lambs. However, the image of a lion is used far more often to describe the Messiah and His covenant peopl…
Nov. 17, 2022

You are THE EPISTLE OF CHRIST (a love letter from God) (148)

An epistle is a letter to an individual or a group. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament are epistles, small portions of the total written Word. But believers are small portions of the total LIVING WORD.…
Nov. 10, 2022

The Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant (147)

Believers are the temple of God in this New Testament era. In the previous Age of the Law, the Ark of the Covenant was enshrined in the innermost chamber of the temple of Solomon. In this present era, what the ark symbolized…
Nov. 4, 2022

The Mysterious Symbolism of Solomon’s Temple (146)

God’s New Covenant people are a living temple for His indwelling. Isaiah 45:15 declares that God is a God who hides Himself—and one way He does that is in symbolism. Many facets of the Old Testament temple of Solomon, includ…
Oct. 22, 2022

The Temple of God: A Showplace for His Glory - Ep. 145

The Temple of Solomon was spectacular. Incomparable in beauty and grandeur, that glorious structure awakened in awe in the hearts of all who saw it. Mysteriously, it also provided many prophetic symbols concerning the eterna…