
Oct. 14, 2022

Every Child of God Is a “Prisoner of Hope” (144)

Zechariah 9:12 says, “Return to the stronghold, you PRISONERS OF HOPE. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” Sincerely coming to Jesus involves surrendering to the authority of God. Those who do this lose …
Oct. 7, 2022

Have You Paid Your Spiritual Debt? (143)

There are seven definite debts that we owe as children of God. Prior to salvation, we owed a debt we could not pay. So, Jesus came down from heaven and paid a debt He did not owe, dying in our place. What amazing compassion …
Sept. 30, 2022

Witnesses Are World Changers! (142)

Just before ascending, Jesus revealed a primary name, a powerful title, that would rest upon His New Covenant followers. He declared, “You shall be My witnesses.” How needful this is! Witnesses are those who verify a story b…
Sept. 23, 2022

The Kidnapper Has Been Overpowered; We Are the Ransomed! (141)

From the moment Adam and Eve fell, a dark entity kidnapped them and all who would ever be born of them. From that point, the human race groaned under the torturous treatment of one who is full of hate, lust, selfishness, and…
Sept. 16, 2022

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment! (140)

The Bible declares that “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13). Our heavenly Father creates new expressions of mercy every morning. Receiving His mercy is the key to triumphant living. Giving it away to others is one of…
Sept. 9, 2022

Magnificent Mercy / Miraculous Manifestations (139)

All believers are “vessels of mercy” who, according to Romans 9:23, have been “prepared beforehand for glory.” Did you get that? “Prepared beforehand”—that means before the foundation of the world, God chose you to be a reci…
Sept. 2, 2022

God Calls His Offspring VESSELS OF MERCY (138 )

Two types of people occupy this world: vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath. A vessel is an object purposefully created to be filled with some kind of substance. God has mercifully created us to be “filled”—with His presenc…
Aug. 26, 2022

Hidden Mysteries of Ancient Altars / Part 2 (137)

In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve are exiled from Eden. In Genesis 4, their sons, Cain and Abel, approach God at an altar. So, from the beginning, an altar was essential in reconnecting with the Creator. Noah worships at an altar, …
Aug. 19, 2022

Hidden Mysteries of Ancient Altars (136)

Ancient altars, designed by God, contained hidden, prophetic symbolism concerning profound New Testament realities. In the Old Testament, priests were called “ministers of the altar” (Joel 1:13). This is true in the New Test…
Aug. 12, 2022

The Mystery of the Sons of Zion and the Flaming Sword (135)

God declared through the prophet Zechariah that He would make the sons of Zion like the “sword of a mighty man” (Zec. 9:13). On the highest level, this is the ultimate fulfillment of the original sign and wonder. When Adam a…
Aug. 5, 2022

Called to Be “A Living Sacrifice” (134)

The highest expression of your love for God is presenting your whole spirit, soul, and body to Him on an altar of sacrifice. The five kinds of offerings in the Old Testament era symbolize the various stages of our lives in d…
July 29, 2022

God’s New Covenant People Are “A Holy Priesthood” (133)

In 1 Peter 2:4-5, born-again believers are named “a holy priesthood” who offer up “spiritual sacrifices” to God. The word “priest” is from the Hebrew kohen meaning one who draws near (one who has access into the presence of …
July 22, 2022

“Living Stones” in a “Spiritual House” (132)

In 1 Peter 2:4-5, born-again believers are described as “living stones” who make up a “spiritual house”—that house of God that surrounds the globe inhabited by His glory. Yes, the New Testament temple of God is now found in …
July 15, 2022

God Calls His People “The Strong”! (131)

God promises to “divide the spoil with the strong” in Isaiah 53:12—and that is a name for all who receive the benefits of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Son of God. Four biblically-revealed sources of strength make …
July 8, 2022

God’s People Are “The Place of His Rest” (130)

God is not at “rest” in this world—a place so opposed to His values, so resistant to His rule, so opposite to His character. But those who make up His corporate temple worldwide have become “the place of His rest”: a holy ha…
July 1, 2022

The Sect of the Nazarenes (129)

Paul was mockingly referred to as a “ringleader of THE SECT OF THE NAZARENES.” It was intended as an insult, an accusation identifying Paul with Jesus of Nazareth (who they considered an imposter) and the “low-life people” w…
June 24, 2022

The Bride of Christ Is “A Well of Living Waters” (128)

How can atoms in a water molecule reveal an important aspect of our inheritance in Christ? You may be surprised. But why is that even relevant? Because the bride of Christ is named “A WELL OF LIVING WATERS” in the Song of So…
June 17, 2022

The Original Name for Christians: Followers of the Way (127)

In the early church, there was no impressive religious title for the “new thing” Jesus introduced in the world, nor for those who subscribed to it. Christians were just called “Followers of the Way.” Though extremely simple,…
June 10, 2022

God Is a Genius at Turning Curses into Blessings (126)

In Deuteronomy 23:5 God revealed that because He loves His people, He turns curses into blessings. This is such a mighty truth. However, it goes much deeper. Not only does God do this for His people; He does this to His peop…
June 3, 2022

God Calls Us “His Beloved”! Amazing! (125)

Here’s a stunning statement but true—"You are just as beloved of the Father as Jesus, the firstborn Son”—if you’ve surrendered your life to Him. Hard to believe? One prayer Jesus prayed proves it. When you realize the perfec…
May 27, 2022

God calls you “The Blessed” Part 2 (124)

The word “blessed” means supremely happy, spiritually prosperous, and highly favored by God. Learn the mystery attached to God opening the windows of heaven and pouring out a blessing that cannot be contained. Why did the Ol…
May 20, 2022

God Calls You “The Blessed” Part 1 (123)

In one of His last parables, Jesus called His sheep “the blessed of the Father.” What does it truly mean to be “blessed.” How was the blessing of God in this world first evidenced in Adam and Eve? After the fall, God still c…
May 13, 2022

The Powerful Revelation of “The Church” Part 2 (122)

Find out why the true “Church” is the most valuable, most important, more holy, most knowledgeable, most victorious, most stable, most unique, most authoritative, and most undefeatable institution in the world. Most importan…
May 6, 2022

The Powerful Revelation of “The Church” - Part One (121)

What does the word “church” mean? Is there a false church and a true church? Did it exist in the Old Testament? When was it first mentioned? Jesus claimed “the gates of Hades will not prevail” against the church. Is this jus…