
April 29, 2022

Partakers of His Promise in Christ (120)

If you are “in Christ,” the “automatic download” you receive is out of this world (literally). Key biblical phrases like “in Him,” “in Christ,” and “in the Lord” indicate the benefits you receive the moment you become a chil…
April 22, 2022

God’s Chosen Ones Are “Good Ground” (119)

Great mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed through “The Parable of the Sower." It is so foundational, Jesus implied if we don't understand this parable, we won't be able to understand any other parables He shared.…
April 15, 2022

We Are “Children of the Resurrection”—Right Now! (118)

Most believers view the resurrection through a historical lens: celebrating the great victory Jesus won almost 2,000 years ago. However, there is an overflow of power from the empty tomb that is still rushing through this wo…
April 8, 2022

The Beauty of Being “God’s Garden” (117)

The Bible depicts the bride of Christ as “God’s Garden.” You may think your past disqualifies you for such an attractive symbol, but salvation has beautified you. In a world that often denies God, the church is a peaceful an…
April 1, 2022

Stewards of the Grace of God (116)

Once you receive God’s grace, you’re called to pour it out to other people (even your enemies) and back to God Himself (pretty amazing, right?!?!). First Peter 4:10 challenges us to be “good stewards of the manifold grace of…
March 25, 2022

Heirs of the Grace of Life Part 3 (115)

Discover mysteries in the original Hebrew and Greek words translated “grace”! Find out the first mention of grace in the Bible. Learn the two main things Moses claimed prove that God’s grace is with us. What are the two mean…
March 18, 2022

Heirs of the Grace of Life Part 2 (114)

When did you first receive grace? You may be amazed by the answer. What is the most misinterpreted scripture concerning grace? The secular world especially gets it wrong. What are the two erroneous extremes to which people t…
March 11, 2022

Heirs of the Grace of Life Part 1 (113)

The spectacular GRACE OF GOD is one of the most powerful biblical insights to be discovered in God's Word. The Most High even calls His people HEIRS OF THE GRACE OF LIFE. The Greek word translated "life" is zoe, meaning divi…
March 4, 2022

The Pearl of Great Price (112)

In one of His mysterious kingdom parables, Jesus described His beloved bride as “the pearl of great price.” A pearl is encased in an oyster shell, which frankly is one of the ugliest shells in the sea. Yet it contains a soug…
Feb. 25, 2022

The Redeemed of the Lord Part 3 (111)

Jesus became a curse to redeem His people from the curse of the Law. Through His crucifixion and resurrection, He redeemed us from enemies stronger than us, things we never could have conquered on our own. This redemption is…
Feb. 18, 2022

The Redeemed of the Lord Part 2 (110)

Old Covenant redemption laws amazingly foreshadowed what Jesus came to accomplish in the New Covenant. The same Hebrew word translated “redeemer” is also rendered “nearest kinsman” and “avenger” of blood. How are these relat…
Feb. 11, 2022

The Redeemed of the Lord Part 1 (109)

The first mention of redemption in the Bible unveils such mysteries and such powerful revelation. Learning to “say so”—to confess your redemption rights is an important part of seizing what is rightfully yours. Learn God’s p…
Feb. 4, 2022

Supernatural Transformation - “A New Creation” (108)

The solution for the fallen condition of the human race is not rehabilitation; it’s recreation! Only in Christianity is this offered. “If anyone is in Christ, he is A NEW CREATION”! In the New Covenant, God gives His offspri…
Jan. 28, 2022

Our Calling to Be “Ambassadors for Christ” (107)

Ambassadors are representatives, messengers sent on a specific mission, those who speak, not their own minds, but the mind and will of those nations or rulers who are being represented. This episode will open your eyes to th…
Jan. 21, 2022

Called to Be “Golden Lampstands” (106)

In the book of the Revelation, the seven churches of Asia are symbolized by seven menorah lampstands, similar to the lampstands that lit the holy place in the temple of God. There are five parts of a lampstand and each one r…
Jan. 14, 2022

Our Calling to Be “The Mighty”

God’s people are called “sons of the mighty” in Psalm 89:6. Our Father is the Almighty (the all-powerful, all-sufficient God). The Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of might” who dwells within us, strengthening us with “might” in t…
Jan. 7, 2022

Our Calling to Be "The Poor in Spirit" (104)

One of the great mysteries of the kingdom of God is this: that only by admitting your great lack in the flesh can you gain God’s abundance spiritually, only by seeing yourself bankrupt “in Adam” can you inherit the unsearcha…
Dec. 23, 2021

Names Given in the Incarnation Part 2 (103)

Wonderful names and titles were bestowed on the Son of God at His entrance into this world that powerfully revealed His nature and purpose. Amazingly, as His identity unfolded in the beginning, the identity of His future son…
Dec. 17, 2021

Names Revealed in the Incarnation Part 1 (102)

Wonderful names and titles were bestowed on the Son of God at His entrance into this world that powerfully revealed His nature and purpose. Amazingly, as His identity unfolded in the beginning, the identity of His future son…
Dec. 3, 2021

You Are a “Gift for the LORD”! (101)

You know that you have received gifts from God; but did you realize you have also become a gift to God? This is one of your God-given names! (Num. 18:6). When Jesus “ascended on high,” He gave “gifts to men”—like faith, peac…
Nov. 26, 2021

The “Church of the Firstborn”—A Magnificent Revelation (100)

“THE CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN” is a name given to New Covenant sons and daughters in Hebrews 12:23. That means the church in which every member is considered a firstborn son. We are all equally loved by the Father, and we hav…
Nov. 19, 2021

Two Parables that Increase Faith (99)

The disciples pled with Jesus, “Increase our faith.” Instead of working some spectacular miracle, in answering their request, the Son of God simply spoke two mini-parables. Surprisingly, one of them seems it could actually b…
Nov. 12, 2021

The Unconquerable Household of Faith (98)

One of the most remarkable and recognizable characteristics of the family of God is the gift of faith that resides within us. This wondrous ability to believe creates an unbreakable bond—that binds us to God and to each othe…
Nov. 5, 2021

Partakers of the Holy Spirit - Part 2 (97)

Various names given to the Holy Spirit indicate our inheritance as “partakers of the Holy Spirit” (Heb. 6:4). Names explored on this episode include the Spirit of life, the Spirit of holiness, the Spirit of adoption, the Spi…