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I ❤️ EVERY single podcast
Every one of Shawn Bolz podcasts encourages me so much. So inspirational! I look forward to listening to each one and sharing them with friends. Thank you for this blessing!

Very Insightful
I love this podcast!

Great listen
I so appreciate Shawn and all his guests. Their stories are amazing! They have opened my prophetic eyes to believe for more. They have also taught me so much about the character of God. Thank you!

Great podcast!
After listening I feel so encouraged and feel I can I walk out my front door and do this!! Would love to hear some of your misses in the prophetic and how you handled it.

So grateful for this podcast series! Finishing up reading the first book of Shawn’s I’ve read, Translating God, and have been so encouraged towards God’s heart, this podcast is keeping that encouragement going for me.

One of my favs...
I listen to tons of podcasts, and this has become one of my favorites! It’s amazing to me how so much content can be put into shorter episodes. Not sure how it’s done other than just saying that this is a God-thing. Love Shawn Bolz!

Phenomenal Podcast
Shawn does an excellent job of making the complex simple. He also does a great job explaining the why behind the what and bringing listeners into a better understanding of what God is doing through the prophetic.

Shawn is legit! Love his heart and he always inspires me

Up my expectation
These short podcasts have been amazing! They always help me to see a side of the prophetic that stretches me both in expectation and prayer. Thank you!

Pacing myself
This series has been so good I find myself wanting to gobble up one episode after another; but each one is so full of wonderful tidbits and inspirations I’m actually listening to many of them twice and forcing myself to wait a day or two in between so I can digest them. Really, really good stuff. Thanks, Shawn.

I’ve really been enjoying this podcast. For a couple years I’ve thought a podcast that shares people’s encounters with God would be so cool. I’m encouraged by the interviews. Thank you!

My Favorite!
Currently this is my favorite podcast. I love how positive and upbeat Shawn is. The guests are great and I always feel inspired and encouraged after listening. Thank you!!

Inspiring and Motivating 🙌🏾 But Too Short 😩
I recently purchased Shawn's 90 Day Devotional after discovering him this Summer. I'm really enjoying these podcasts and hearing stories from people who use the prophetic in "real life" - not just inside the walls of a church building. My only critique is I wish some of these podcasts were longer and allowed the guests to share more of their story - not just one testimonial. They'd share something and then Shawn would tell them thanks and ask them to share how to reach them and I'd be like "Whoa... wait, that's it? It was getting good!"😂 So if Shawn reads this, please consider making these a bit longer and perhaps ask the guests to share one practical tip for application that we could use to explore and expand the prophetic in our lives. Other than that - thanks so much! I eagerly devour each episode and I'm so grateful for all that you do and share. God bless!🙏🏾🙌🏾😬

Too short
The show is great, I just wish it was longer and more in depth. The guests have experienced some amazing things, but it feels like they are rushed to just hit the highlights instead of going in depth and exploring the nuances of what God did and the connections He used.

Biblical Wisdom!!!
Such a wide array of wisdom. I love every single episode! I get so excited every time I see a new one is available. I’m so happy to live in such a time as this!

Love the podcast!
I’m super picky about my podcasts and especially about interview style podcasts. I usually find them a bit difficult to listen to. But I LOVE your podcast! I have been encouraged and challenged by every episode! I wish they were longer! I want to hear more from every guest. But I guess that is the key to a good podcast...keep your listeners wanting more. Thanks! Keep up the good work!

Great Storytelling
This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. Shawn Bolz does an excellent job interviewing guest by bring out their story and message. Each episode encourages me with my faith in God.

Solid Content, Down-To-Earth Host
Are you curious about prophecy? Are you just learning about words of knowledge? This podcast is for you. Shawn Bolz’s down-to-earth style is so approachable and authentic that you'll get something from this series right away. He has a genuine gift for using storytelling as a way to draw that same authenticity out of his guests -- you'll hear it for yourself when you listen! You'll say "no way!" and laugh out loud! The content is fresh, practical, and immediately useful. This podcast will be at the top of your list once you hear it. Go get it!

Awesome podcast!
Love this podcast!!!! So encouraging and insightful!

Great Podcast!
Really enjoying these short episodes. It’s been perfect for listening during lunch at work or while commuting. It’s a great way to be inspired & encouraged throughout the week.

Shawn Bolz is Awesome!
Shawn has got some pretty good connections with the man upstairs. He is a Godly dude! Love his wisdom!

Love it but I wish episodes were longer!
I love this podcast! Shawn is so relational and easy to listen to. The guests that he has on the show are great to listen to as well. Only one criticism, I wish the episodes were longer. I like podcasts that are about 45-60 minutes long because they give you a little bit more to chew on! With the episodes thus far they have not been longer than 25 minutes. It seems when Shawn and his guests are just starting to get into a groove the episode is over. I would love for them to be a bit longer!

So Thankful For This!
Love the heart behind this podcast - full of truth and love and so encouraging!

Explosive faith
This podcast builds explosive faith in me every time I listen. Thank you, Shawn & team.

Shawn, your podcast is amazing! My wife and I love listening to the powerful testimonies in each podcast. I’ve been moved to tears on a few of them. Each podcast shows how powerful God is and yet also very personal.

An Amazing Podcast!
I love hearing about all the fun ways God creatively expresses Himself through the prophetic and this deffintely shares that! Thank you! I am loving it!

Soooo good!
I’ve listened to each episode at least two times. I love the stories of God speaking to each of these people to release the right word at the right time and how that absolutely changes people’s lives! This podcast is challenging me and bringing so much hope and desire to continue to pursue the heart and voice of God. Keep them coming Shawn😀 Thank you so much for what you’re doing!

Get ready to have your spirit man stirred up!
I found this podcast thanks to The Jesus Culture Podcast and am I ever thankful! Hearing these powerful men and women of God tell their experiences has stirred up my spirit so much! I am anticipating the new episodes; they can't come fast enough!

This podcast demystifies the prophetic in such a real and raw way.

This podcast exposes you to real people doing amazing works with God. Highly encouraging, and incredibly motivating.