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Great interviewer
I’ve been so impacted by these podcasts that I’ve had great courage to walk in the prophetic outside of the church walls. At 50 yrs old, I’m learning through these interviews that what I experience in my ministry is or has happened elsewhere. Shawn is a great interviewer. He asked questions, and shares but he gets out of the way and allows his guest to teach us. Bless you brother!

Feeling connected
This podcast is really making me feel connected to the body of Christ on a whole new level. Hearing so many different testimonies and stories from different circles is unifying. And I love how real Shawn Bolz is, in the way he asks questions. I feel like I’m fully present in each conversation. And I feel so awakened to apply what I’m hearing in my own city, family and walk with the Lord.

Deeply challenged
These podcasts have been so freeing, they are filled with such real and honest conversations with prophets on the frontlines. The episodes on justice have challenged me so deeply to think bigger, dream bigger, go after these areas like never before. Thank you for sharing these times with us so we can all grow!

Love this podcast!
I absolutely love this podcast!!! I have been listening to them all over the last week. It makes me want to learn more about the prophetic gifts and the way God moves in the supernatural!! I also just bought 2 of Shawn's books off Audible!

Prophetic podcasts
Love these podcasts. They have given me so much more boldness and new level of expectations.

The best!
This is important and beautiful.

I really enjoy hearing all the different prophetic voices Shawn interviews. It’s so refreshing hearing the real journeys people take to grow.

I love how this podcast shows how the prophetic doesn’t have to just be limited to the 4 walls of the church and how it can impact the world in ways we never imagined.

Deep Discussion in a Digestible Format
I love Shawn Bolz for how deep and insightful he is. But at the same time he is very relevant and relatable. Can’t get enough of his teaching and testimonies. My wife and I are just getting started on a huge journey with God and Shawn is one of our key teachers in the process. Thanks for all you do! And I pray that many more would come to see the bigger picture of our callings in the Kingdom on Earth!

Great podcast by a great Host!!
Learned so much about the prophetic, but more importantly, learned so much from Shawn in regards of God’s heart for me and everyone else on this planet. I love it, keep up the great work Shawn and I hope to meet you one day!!

Currently reading Translating God and God’s Secrets. What an awesome addition to my book collection. Mr.Bolz has touched so many and shown them the love of an awesome God. I’m truly blessed by his ministry and his love for people!

Be great
God shares his secrets with his friends, and one of them is Shawn Bolz. He wants everyone to grow in their calling and affect the world with God‘s kingdom. A must listen for podcasts

Insightful Podcast
One of the best podcast I’ve ever listened to! Not only is it educational regarding the prophetic but culturally enlightening while merging the prophetic into your everyday life.

I’m a house painter and therefore spend much of my days listening to books or podcasts as I paint. This one particular day I was painting in a church listening to your podcast all day (literally all day, maybe like 20 in that one day), and as I was listening, doing my painting thing, the presence of God fell very heavy in the room to the point I had to get off my ladder because I thought I may fall off. Once I got off the ladder I fell to the floor and immediately starting weeping as the Father began speaking things over my life for the present and the future. Powerful moment! Thanks for this podcast Shawn! Literally had a prophetic moment while listening. Fun!

Encouragement and Inspiration
I love every. Single. Episode. Of this podcast. Shawn is so loving and accessible and all of his guests bring a different perspective that has taught me so much about the prophetic and really inspired and encouraged me. I always look forward to the next episode!

Amazing Stories and Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
Shawn is a truly gifted person who seeks to not just display his gift, but to allow it to encourage others and show them that they are capable of hearing God for themselves. The people on this show are real individuals with real struggles and powerful stories of who God is and what Jesus has done in their lives. We should all be trained in the prophetic because it’s so practical! Open your minds, soften your heart, and receive what the Lord has for you!

Shawn is such an encourager. He always expresses concern and uplifting to those around him. God bless me to love like he does!

I keep coming back to the podcast because in this season of my life the testimonies have lifted my faith and hope to new levels. As I learn to wait and steward the words of the Lord, I draw strength from what I listen, and continue to press in my relationship with God.

So inspiring!
Shawn and his guests make the prophetic a normal part of life! I love listening to it, because each guest has a personal story, which encourages me to live my story with God. I love hearing how God speaks to all of us in unique ways.

Life Changing Conversations
This podcast has been a HUGE GIFT. I love Shawn’s humility, his genuine love for people, and his ability to celebrate people in the Kingdom. He literally brings the best sides of his guests out, and I love how he manages to get each of them sharing a wealth of advice or experience that suddenly becomes practical, insightful, and helpful in my life. This is such a palatable way for people to be introduced to the prophetic, to grow in it, and to hear about some amazing leaders in the prophetic movement. I am so thankful for these each week and look forward to them!!! Thank you Shawn!

Practical, real insight

So Good!
I love this podcast because it provides so much real life application and inspires hope for what’s possible in the prophetic. Shawn and all those he’s interviewed are authentic in discussion of both success and failure, hope realized and hope deferred, and as a result the discussion feels incredibly relatable and relevant for everyday living.

Keeps me growing!!
I absolutely love this podcast. Every time I listen to it, I feel like my desire for more understanding for deep spiritual truth increases. I find myself look at my world through a different lens. I find myself taking greater risks to connect the people I encounter to God through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I am truly grateful. I wish it were a daily podcast! No pressure Shawn! LOL!

All episodes
Each podcast has been an outstanding learning point for me. listening to the individual experiences of each interviewee gives me hope and confirmation as I try to grow daily in my walk. ❤️❤️❤️so thankful!

Such excellent first hand stories from amazing individuals. I really love the testimonies and personal stories that reveal the raw journeys of these leaders and how they engage with and encounter God. So good!

One of my favorite podcasts
This podcast is incredible. I love hearing the stories and testimonies from Shawn and his guests.

The Best!
This is probably the only raw, down to earth podcast about the prophetic. It honestly has encouraged and empowered me to see everyday people live as a son or a daughter! Such a fresh of breath air!!

Favorite Podcast
This podcast is so inspiring and empowering. I hear and feel God’s Love in every conversation.

Such Inspiring Stories
It is so inspiring to hear more stories of ways that God is moving in people's lives right now. It is great to read about past moves of God but these narratives of God on the move give an intimate look at some of the journeys He is taking current influencers through in our generation.

I’ve not missed an episode yet. There is so much depth to the conversations. Love, love, love learning about the prophetic and those who operate in it. Thanks Shawn!