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My favorite podcast
Exploring the prophetic podcast is a great tool for sharing Christ with my friends and advancing the Kingdom. It is raw and funny and very insightful. I never miss one. So good !!!

Easy to listen to podcast. Great way learn from the heart of Gods prophetic voices! I highly recommend.

My top listened to prophetic podcast
I enjoy that Shawn has interviewed people I have heard of and people I haven’t heard of. It’s always fresh. Love the way time is not wasted here. So much great info per each podcast. I can keep up bc each program is not over 30 min. I’m liking the content so very much

Shawn Bolz Podcast - Love it!
It is my go to at the gym. My mind and heart are stretched and encouraged to go for more! I’m learning so much & my faith is exploding with wonder!

Love the podcasts!
I am very new to the prophetic and the past couple weeks have been listening to many of your podcasts. Thank you so much!!’

I’ve listened to almost every episode and ever single one of them is encouraging and challenging in there own way. It encourages me to hear the stories of those we admire and look up to talk about their journey of the prophetic. It has birthed a deeper desire to love people and hear from God for them to see their life change! Prophetic Journal Contest

Open source Christianity
Love the podcast! It’s challenging, convicting, and encouraging all at the same time

Authentic stories
AMAZING!!! Thank you!!

Depth of insight coupled with honest desire for growth for the listener!
I am so thankful for fathers and mothers in the Lord like Sean and his guests. They truly want to give away what they have received so that others are encouraged, inspired, and instructed. This is an incredible resource available to all. Thank you Sean, Cherie, and all the guests of the podcast!

Thumbs up
Always enjoy listening to Shawn.

I have listened to every episode and continue to look forward to the next. I have SO enjoyed being challenged in the area of the prophetic and how it can take on many forms in different areas of society and culture and I have LOVED learning that no matter what form it takes on, the end result is the same: FREEDOM, hope, Love, restoration, revealing God’s true nature and His wonderful, overwhelming kindness. I’ve loved getting to hear from people I have never heard of before and how they are impacting the world around them and how I can continue to follow them and get ahold of their resources. Thank you Shawn, for opening up a whole new world I had never known existed. It’s incredible!

Great! Humble!
This is a great podcast! He has practical questions answered and his easygoing funny nature is a blessing! Listen to the podcast if you don’t know him! You will be hooked.

A blessed podcast
Love the heart and truth shared via this podcast!

This is my favorite thing in the world!
This is my favorite thing in the world to do!!! I CAN NOT wait for the next podcast. Could listen to the all day long!!

Great podcast!
I love hearing the perspectives that get shared on this podcast. Shawn often asks the guests questions that help you get to know them better as people vs. just a speaker/author/etc. The stories and experiences really encourage me!

This podcast has helped me through so much in my walk so far!! It has especially helped me transition to a new season!! Thank you for your obedience to God !! Bring Luke on more 😁

Podcast Love
honestly can’t get enough of these. each episode is dynamically different and i believe they each add an aspect to growing in the prophetic that just one person alone could never get to. thank you, Shawn!

Love This!
I listen to the podcast every week and I just have to say that it has definitely helped me understand the prophetic. Shawn presents it in such a tangible way...thank you!!!

So encouraging!
I’ve been wanting to tell you how much I love your podcasts! Every time I listen to what God is doing in people’s lives through the prophetic, I am wildly encouraged! It makes me say, “ Me too, God! I want to show your love to people like that too!”. Thank you!

I have listened to every episode!
As a young pastor, this podcast has been foundational in the way I approach ministry and is a wonderful resource for me and my team as we seek to cultivate a Holy Spirit saturated culture at our church!

Life-changing Podcast!
I love listening to Shawn’s podcast while I’m driving in the car or whenever I just want to hear godly wisdom from real people! I love hearing all the incredible stories from Shawn and his guests. I have learned so much and it has allowed me to see how people with more experience developed their gifting. It’s given me more boldness and courage to step out in faith. It’s encouraged me to really practice hearing the voice of God for others.

This podcast has changed my perspective about the heart of God and the mission of the church! I believe for greater!!

Practical and inspiring
I love to hear the stories and perspectives of God using people to expand His voice, purposes, and visions. Each episode is short, sweet, and simple, the important three S’s

Love It
Shawn, thanks for’s awesome...very inspiring

Love Shawn’s podcast
Like the prophetic gifting itself, Shawn’s podcast is always encouraging. There is insight and revelation in each conversation and I love the variety of guests. Keep it up!!

Demystifying the Prophetic
This podcast is not giving you a peak behind the prophetic curtain. It’s ripping down. Allowing for a new prophetic ministry to come forth that’s presented with humility and clarity and openness. This podcast is so good I’ve listened through every episode in less than a week. Listening to several Podcasts multiple times.

Take the Risk
This podcast has inspired how I walk through my own journey with the prophetic. Hearing these stories inspires faith & confidence to do what God has called you to do by listening to His voice, and taking risks. And while you might think this is just a podcast on the how to hear God's voice, it's so much more. It's about hearing God's heart for people, recognizing that He loves every detail about them, and then being willing to step out and take risks for the impossible.

Finally Prophetic Training
I’m new to the whole prophetic training and I absolutely love the safe environment Shawn Bolz carries in his podcasts. I have heard ALL OF THEM TO DATE.... and they have blessed me more than Shawn will ever know. My father passed away 8 years ago and he was the only real prophet I tangibly saw. Unfortunately he had so much more to teach me but was not able too. I find these podcast to be the next phase of my training. I know I stumbled upon this podcast by what some may say divine appointment (even though at first it felt like a total accident lol). Thank you Shawn!

My Perspective Has Changed!
From the very first episode my heart has exploded with inspiration! Listening to every episode has changed my perspective on stepping into my destiny & calling. I LOVE this podcast!!

Prophetic for everyday life!
I am so grateful for the gift of this podcast and for Sean’s authenticity and his heart to make the prophetic accessible for every follower of God. This podcast is inspiring and encouraging.