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Unlocking desire
Listening to the stories of the prophetic move of God has unlocked a desire to hear him for other people. It has ignited a desire to see him move in every facet of my life. I can’t that Shawn enough for creating this podcast.

Love Shawn’s podcast
I love listening to Shawn’s podcast It gives a different view of ministries. Like we are seeing a new view of the Father’s face I have been raised in Church for the past 60 plus years so I am not a spring chicken

My fave podcast by far!
Of all the podcasts I listen to, top of the list is Exploring the Prophetic With Shawn Bolz. It’s encouraging, inspiring, and mind blowing every single week. I have listened to every episode and it is changing me and making me bolder and more willing to take the risk of learning how to use the prophetic gifts. Keep it up!

More conversation
I really enjoy the transparency of hearing men and women in the faith! I wish some of the conversations were longer! However, I love how each speaker discusses how they know each other, it brings us listeners into your story which positions people to hear the testimonies and grab on to the belief that if God speaks to them, He will definitely speak to me. Love it.

Favorite Podcast!
Learning so much about growing in the prophetic. I love hearing these powerful stories of people who are so relatable and how they share their unique journey of faith. This is so refreshing, thank you Shawn, keep them coming!!!

Best podcast out there!
Wednesday morning is my favorite time of the week when the newest podcast is released. These testimonies of real people listening and following God’s voice and leading has grown my faith and ignited passion to know Him more. He is so good! Thank Shawn for putting this together and encouraging and training others that we too can hear His voice and live to bring hope to others and ourselves. Bless you and your ministry!

Want Christmas every Tuesday?
Then subscribe to the podcast! My 20-40 minute hang out with Sean & Friends has become an absolute favorite time of my week. There’s so much life to have here!

Can’t get enough 😄
Thank you so much for giving validity to the call of God in the entertainment industry. Idk if I would’ve ever had the courage to run this race long term if I hadn’t found Bolz Ministries, Expression58 and their larger community. The support, teaching and prophetic insight I’ve gotten from listening is so invaluable. 😄😄

Awesome Podcast!
I love this podcast. It’s the one podcast that I never miss an episode on. I’m always looking forward to the next episode. I’ve learned something from everyone of the episodes which has made me feel like I’m not alone in my journey. Thanks Shawn!

Kirsten from Haiti
LOVE this podcast! Super inspiring and encouraging! I love how Shawn makes hearing God’s voice exactly what it should be... a normal thing for every follower of Jesus to experience on the daily. My husband and I found it during the second season and binge listened to the entire first season. It’s all just SO GOOD!

4 stars
Nice interviews so far but the podcast is titled exploring the prophetic and I haven’t heard much of the prophetic. Just saying. I thought I would hear more prophetic themed conversations...overall though, I like to listen :)

So encouraging!
Thank you! These interviews and testimonies are priceless. I have been inspired and challenged through this podcast to be more obedient to the voice and “nudgings” of the Spirit. I hope I can be like these people someday! 😄

Love Shawn's Prophetic Heart
This show dives deep into God's heart and *why* He speaks to His people. Shawn does a great job of interviewing many different people who are on fire for God, and it's encouraging to hear story after story of how God is moving in people's lives!

Love the guests
The interviews make this show. So encouraged to see how God is moving today!

Lisa mentions a very sensitive issue that made such an impact.... God doesn’t want to shame you No God rescues us!!! Many walk around with shame from the past. We need to remember Psalm 103 Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us

Amazing and life changing
The word life-changing can often be thrown around casually but this podcast truly is just that. hearing the stories and testimonies of Shawn and those he has on this podcast. Listening has encouraged me to step out in faith in many areas sometimes while in tears but I’m so grateful for it!!

So inspiring!
I have listened to just about all of the episodes of this podcast and am always fired up to both get alone with God and to get out with people so He can love on them through me. I just listened to the interview with Peta Sergeant....AMAZING! What incredible stories of how God is faithful to see, comfort, and heal us. It also beautifully illustrates how He is so good. He lifts our heads and tells us what He thinks of us, how much He loves us. He takes our most broken places and our deepest shame and transforms it into a breathtakingly beautiful story of redemption that touches others and leads them out of darkness, too. He is so kind and faithful to lead, speak, and reach people as we choose to just listen, believe Him, and respond! I can’t get enough of these stories about what He is doing. I wish the episodes were LONGER!

I love this podcast. The interviews are full of radical testimonies from people of all walks of life. I have found the best resources and books from people I have listened too. I have shared so many of these podcasts with others to encourage them. Thank you Shawn!

Inspiring me to dare again
I have been downloading and listening to episodes all day because it has been so inspiring and feels so hopeful to know that there are brothers and sisters that are really living out these gifts and sharing them into the world. It sparks in me a desire to grow more and want to know more. Most of all it makes me desire for more intimacy with Him. This podcast gets me excited to know God is moving.

Love it!!
One of my favorite podcast ever!!!

There are so many inspiring people on this podcast. Listening to Shawn Bolz and his guests will inspire you to dream big, and discover who God is for/with you.

A blueprint of the prophetic
Through this podcasts I am learning of all the creative ways that God speaks so when he speaks to me in a new way, I can immediately recognize that it is him and partner my faith, hoping he will call me to a bold life of engaging the Kingdom like one of your guest.

Powerful Podcast
What an amazing Podcast! I’ve been blown away by the amazing stories and listening to powerful risk takers. K Kelly

My Absolute Favorite Podcast!
It is so encouraging and inspirational to hear how God is moving in and through believers to affect others all around the world! Very powerful, uplifting and motivational Podcast! Thank you Shawn!

I love this podcast! It’s wonderful!

Top Notch Podcasts
I have listened and so enjoyed every podcast! The guest are gracious and give insight to their journey. The content and exchange are authentic. These podcasts are a high light of my week. They have emboldened me to move forward in so many ways! Thank you Shawn for your generosity!!

Can’t thank you enough for doing this podcast 🙌🏼 I grew up in the church but it wasn’t until a year ago that I experienced God on a whole new level that I didn’t even know existed. God downloaded some crazy-life altering things to me that at first was pretty awesome, but because it was so new to hear God so directly, it also came with a mix of emotions and changes. God has taken me on a wild ride over the last year, but as we’ve walked this new relationship out, it’s so awesome to hear other God stories from all genres and people. God stories are literally THE BEST! They are more than entertainment ; but truly build your faith to believe in the impossible and also confirms the prophetic words in our own lives. I usually listen on my lunch break, and I can say I look forward to more than just a good sandwich, but time spent getting my mind blown by how cool our God is! So again, THANK YOU! Keep up the awesomeness 😎

One of my favorite podcasts!!!! I love hearing the real life stories of what God is doing through others and what he can do through me. Please keep ‘em coming. I am so hungry for more😍

So Amazing!
I discovered this podcast halfway into season 1 and was hooked immediately. So many amazing stories of real life encounters with God and the miraculous. Some are from people I’ve known about others were people I’d never heard of. I’ve listened to every single one and look forward to each one every week! Thank you so much for doing this podcast Shawn!

Love it!
Love to listen and get encouraged by the many testimonies of the people Shawn brings on. The testimonies prophesy into the endless possibilities God has for all of us to walk in- all because Jesus paid it all! What a great inheritance we have.