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Talks rooted in annointing!
I walk away inspired to chase after God and His plan more after every epsiode. Quite frankly that is all I can ask for from a podcast!

Favorite podcast!!
This is absolutely my favorite podcast, and I listen to many. There is such a rich legacy passed on to the listener from the stories and testimonies shared here that is literally priceless. Well done, Shawn!! Keep it up!! We need it!!

Best of the Best
This podcast is a treasure. Every time I think I’ve listened to my favorite episode, a new one comes out and I’m transfixed anew. The conversations and topics are wide ranging. It’s encouraging, uplifting, enlightening and it’s for everybody. You won’t be disappointed!

Inspiring every single time!
This is one my favorite podcasts. Even if you don’t think you’re someone who is interested in the prophetic, you should listen. It’s so motivating to hear about the ways God is working.

The only podcast I listen to!
I love this podcast! The interviews are so encouraging and they help me to dream bigger and believe anything’s possible with God. I love listening to supernatural stories and getting to know the people Shawn admires and respects. Shawn restored a lot of my hope in modern day prophets because he’s whole, healthy and has an authentic friendship with God.

Best podcast !
This is one of the most encouraging and inspiring podcast. I love these interviews. They are so practical and faith building.

The book God Secrets and Exploring the Prophetic are books I have read twice so far. I am truly enlightened by how God speaks to me. I can not tell you how many happy tears I have cried while reading these books. Leaving a legacy for my children is so important to me and teaching them how to listen to God is the best thing I can do as a parent.

Joyful tears
I LOVE this podcast! I’m binge-listening and cannot stop! These stories have softened my heart and inspired me so greatly. Thank you so much for your godly and beautiful heart, Shawn!

Just awesome! 😍
These podcasts helped make the drive to my doctors office back and forth an hour away fun and encouraging. I love hearing how people encounter God bc it shows His nature! Thank you for this. Can’t wait for season 2!

I have listened to all of Season One and found each one to be inspiring and faith building. I highly recommend this podcast.

Best Podcast!!!
I love how genuine/real Shawn Bolz is, and I love these interviews! They have inspired and transformed my faith and walk with Jesus. This definitely isn’t just a podcast for people interested in the’s for anyone who wants a faith injection. I tell everyone about this podcast!! Thank you for making it. ❤️

I couldn’t stop sharing with all my friends about this podcast as soon as I heard the first episode. I honestly feel like this podcast was a tool of God to bring me closer with my sister, as well as deepen my hunger for the “more”. I feel like I became a sharper, more in-tune Christian from listening. But also, it’s so much deeper. I’ve been waiting for years for someone to talk about so many of these unique topics, and it excites me for this coming generation. This podcast is anointed.

SUPER encouraging!!!
My FAV podcast. So appreciate the transparency of everyone that has been interviewed. -Elizabeth Tiam-Fook

Awakening an Identity
I’ve always been involved in worship and music and some years ago I was told that I had a gifting in the prophetic. I had only ever seen the prophetic within the church walls and when religion blurred the picture of what I thought it would like I wanted nothing to do with it. I’ve listened to just the first 3 weeks and can already feel an awakening to the plan God had along and the power and need for the prophetic in stories like the one shared by Sean Smith .Thank you for this amazing podcast and your ministry

Awakening My Prophetic
I am a pastor who is going through a really tough season right now after the loss of my job. I’ve questioned just about everything about who I am. Your podcast has kept stoking the prophetic embers inside me in such a non religious way that I could receive. It has challenged me and made me aware of so many others who are walking the path of hearing from God. Some I follow today I would not have known otherwise. Thanks for being a lifeline for me!

Thank you!
Thank you Shawn and Cherie! I have just grown so much in my encouraging prophetic gift over the past 9 months. Such a blessing and can’t wait for season 2! You have inspired me to go after all that God has for my husband and I. Love and bless you and your fam!

Outstanding podcast
I just discovered this podcast at the end of season 1. Now I am going back and listing to all the back shows and they are awesome!

So powerful.
I like how he has powerful guest on, but they don't try to sell you anything.

A consistent encouragement
This podcast is a consistent reminder that God is speaking and actively involved in everyone's lives. Thank you for doing this podcast and sharing people's God stories with all of us.

Subscribe right now!
For anyone looking to build your faith about what God is doing in the world, subscribe to this podcast!!! I can’t wait for season two. Thanks so much Shawn!

Just listen
Thanks Shawn for facilitating these conversations and insights from normal people...I really feel like God is using you to broaden the eyesight of believers...I love you!

Listened over and over
This podcast changed my entire view of Christianity and helped me see what’s possible with living with and hearing God!!

I’ve been listening to podcasts on my morning exercise. I have been challenged to pursue prophetic words and praying differently. The other morning it was like a download when I was listening to you imagine podcast. Each had such an amazing honest story. This is a gift I’ve been inspired to pursue with my students. Thank you!! Ps love Cherie’s interview! I’m inspired.

Knowing GOD’S heart
Very practical and useful testimonies on hearing and obeying the FATHER! A great way to understand the FATHER’s communication and application to our lives. Thanks Shawn. You hit his one out of the park!

Great life stories!

Exploring the Prophetic
I absolutely love hearing the stories of people’s life experience with God! I don’t think there’s anything more helpful or encouraging than that.

So Encouraging!!
I’ve been listening to “Exploring the Prophetic” since the beginning and every episode has given such great examples of how engaging God’s heart can lead to so many adventures of hearing Him speak clearly and in being positioned to experience Him in miraculous ways! My favorite episode has been the feature with Candace Payne (Chewbacca Mom). For anyone wanting to hear just what a powerful God story Candace has, this one is a must! Thanks Shawn! Keep them coming!!

This man is Awesome
First time heard him I was down and needed healing so a friend shared his live feed and it brought so much more hope in my life. Almost all of my reports came back negative and I know it was through the healing Jesus did zero doubt. It was t that I know He couldn’t do it but was just the faith that pushed me.

Simple & Risky
I’ve been really moved by these and inspired to step out in faith and risk in my daily life. It’s helping me to simplify the prophetic and just listen to the words of love coming from the Father. It’s also deepening my intimacy with Holy Spirit. Every guest is amazing, but recent favorites for me have been Jennifer LeClaire, Dr. Luke Holter, Jamie Galloway and the man from South Africa. 💛💛💛

Amazing Poscast!
I look forward to listening to this podcast on my commute to work! It has blessed me tremendously to hear the stories of ordinary individuals like me being used by God to reveal his heart to the world!