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Love it!!
This podcast is empowering! Every time I listen in, it feels like Something new is awakened in my spirit! 👏🏽

So good!
Honestly one of my favorite podcasts! Almost every time a new ep drops I listen to it right away! The story’s push you to take more and more leaps of faith!

Phenomenal podcast
I love the way Shawn interviews so many different types of people. I am not even sure how I stumbled upon Exploring the Prophetic, but it has changed my outlook on how I hear from God, dream with God and use the Prophetic gift I've been given. Love it and share it with my friends all the time! So blessed by it!

Life changing
This podcast has literally revealed and confirmed dreams for me. It’s so inspiring and I find myself wishing episodes were longer. Ha!

Awesome sauce!
Shawn, this podcast is fantastic. I love that you have so many different people on expressing who they are. This podcast has given me boldness to take risk and have grace for myself when it fails! Love that you share yourself and all your wonderful guests with us!!

So good!
This is my favorite podcast to listen to right now! Listening to Shawn speak on the prophetic and the different leaders he interviews has really given me the courage to hear God for myself and to take more risk in the prophetic! Hearing their testimonies stirs up faith in me and makes me so excited about what God is doing and what He wants to do.

Favorite podcast
Hearing the testimonies, the successes and failures has helped me so much seek after how God speaks to me for myself and others. Thank you for this!

Thanks for not being weird and creepy
So much of what is out there about the prophetic is just weird and creepy and hard to relate to. It is incredibly refreshing to learn more about the prophetic and to find so many normal people that God uses in this way. Love your guests, love your podcast. Thanks Shawn!

I love this podcast!
It’s one of the first ones I go to when I look at my list of updated podcasts. It has changed my perspective on not just prophecy but Christianity in general. I have read two of Shawn’s book and I have had some major paradigm shifts in my thinking. God has been teaching me so much through this ministry!

New perspective
I love all of these podcasts from Exploring the Prophetic! It’s changing the way I understand and operate in the prophetic. Shawn has such a gentle approach to unlocking the truth into a genuine prophetic culture.

Life changing podcast!
I love the prophetic and hearing about other people’s journeys with God. Such a wonderful podcast, love hearing Shawn and really admire how well he honors his guests. The interviews that have marked me so far has been with Banning - the journey of hearing Gods promises for you and waiting to see the fruit of it unravel is so beautiful and part of my journey. Thanks for doing what you do Shawn!

Empowering and Stirring
This podcast has so stirred my heart to see more of God’s voice and perspective released in the world around me. Simultaneously, it’s empowered me to know that I have access to the same Holy Spirit and gifting as everyone that Shawn interviews, and the two don’t always go hand in hand. Absolutely worth your time.

Authentic and Real
Hearing Shawn interview people from all walks of life being real and hearing from God’s heart for them and for others is so encouraging and interesting! After listening to the latest podcast I’m already looking forward to the next!

This podcast sheds light on the multifaceted dimensions of the power of prophetic ministry. There are realms of prophesy yet explored that this podcast is shedding light upon. There is such a revelatory nature on this podcast. As you listen, be prepared for the Holy Spirit to drop ideas and awaken dreams in your heart.

I love listening to this podcast! It is so inspirational listening to ordinary people do the extraordinary just by listening to God’s voice. These stories build my faith and help me realize that I too can make an impact on this world for Papa God! We even listened on vacation in Norway!! 😄

The last several podcast have been so timely with speaking to specific thoughts that I had been having in my head. Also this whole podcast is amazing and encouraging! I look forward to them each new post and almost listen to them IMMEDIATELY! It does not matter what I am doing at the time. Thank you!!!

Such a great podcast!
I love how Shawn makes the prophetic accessible to all. These are such great learning tools and encouragement. I recommend this podcast to anyone exploring the prophetic!

Thank you, Shawn, for this podcast! It has reawakened purpose and dreams that, for quite some time, have felt buried and even dead. The future now feels bright, hopeful and exciting... and your podcast has played a huge part in my heart waking up again. Grateful. Cheering for you!

I’ve been following Shawn for a little while now and I appreciate how honest and open he is about the prophetic. A lot of things I’ve just never heard explained they way he presents them. I also appreciate the activation and the encouragement to just trust God with the direction that He wants to take our lives.

Great podcast!!!
Shawn, this podcast is SO HELPFUL and encouraging!!! Thank you for all the great guests and discussions, most of which are too short...the discussions, not the guests! Ha! Keep this stuff coming!

Our journey to California
Shawn, thank you for walking in your calling and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you. Thank you for showing me what it means to be one called and anointed into the office of a Prophet. My wife was the one who introduced me to your ministry several years ago and we’ve been connected ever since. We journeyed out to California for the God Secrets conference. We left on Friday from FLA arrived by 3am Saturday to our room and rested for a few hours. Woke up and went straight to the conference. It was so worth it! Learned much and even got to release words of knowledge during the exercise. Keep pressing forward for the Lord and the Kingdom! God bless you, Chris & Audrey Colón.

Encouraging and Impacting
I love that this podcast is interviewing other prophetic people. My list of people to learn from and listening to has grown because of this podcast. It's so encouraging and builds my expectation for what God can do in my life. I enjoy all the episodes and look forward to each one!

Life Changing Podcast
I listen to multiple podcast. This one is among my very favorites. Each guests lends a different perspective to the prophetic. My faith has been increased so much by the different testimonies of God working in their lives and ministry. My only complaint would be that they are not longer. Keep them coming Shawn!

Growth in hearing
I began listening to the podcast as a curiosity of how God still uses prophecy today and found this podcast to shed light that God is still using those who are willing to spread the good news of who he is and his love. I’ve grown in learning and in faith. Thank you Shawn Bolz and those who are willing to share their testimonies with us. God Bless you!

So encouraging!!
I love this podcast and look forward to listen to the new episodes every week!! Listening to people’s stories builds faith in me for my own journey. They’re so encouraging and just the perfect length! I usually send them to my friends. Thanks for loving and leading in the prophetic community!

Exploring the Prophetic has not only made my drive to work each day bearable, it has made it truly a time of revelation and deeper understanding of God and his supernatural workings! Shawn brings to the table, insight, authority and true passion for God and his people! This podcast and the Bolz ministry has changed my total views of the Prophetic and has found me seeking out the prophetic in my own life! Praying for revelation and words from God daily!!!

Awesome show
The podcast leaves you feeling encouraged and amazed by some of the incredible testimonies the guests have of God working through them!

Expansion of love and faith!
I love listening to all these different people and how they hear God’s voice! My perspectives have shifted, expanded, and overall I just feel an increased desire to steward my ability to hear Jesus and step out in it. To take ownership of what He’s given me! These stories are beautiful and build my faith!’s just fun and I appreciate that they’re not super long :) Ha

Love listening to the variety of people you interview! Sometimes I wish episodes were longer. Keep up the great program Bolz Ministries.

God speaks through Shawn Bolz
Shawn Bolz gives us knowledge and wisdom on how we can walk with the Holy Spirit. Shawn Bolz shows us how we can become more like Jesus by showing us and speaking to us the signs, wonders, and miracle of God. The testimonies that point to Jesus and shows us "there is more!" I am thankful that I can learn how to walk like Jesus today just like the Saints in the Bible. Shawn Bolz encourages, exhorts, inspires, and motives just by declaring truth from his lips. All praise to God and thank you Shawn for being faithful to set on fire a generation that will preach the gospel untill all has heard and Jesus will return for His bride.