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I come away being inspired by what God is doing in such a broad bandwidth of people. The stories are amazing! When believer friends remind me of how bad the world is I have sent them one of Shawn’s podcast to remind them how good God is!! Thank you Shawn!

Love this podcast!
I’m 24 and I’ve been listening to Shawn Bolz on YouTube for a couple of years now, but I LOVE this podcast and learning about the prophetic in a fresh, new and relevant way. I love that he has speakers I’m familiar with and that I can share as tangible examples to my friends and family. I like that I can share “ Exploring the prophetic” podcast with my secular friends as well as my Christian friends because of its simple messages that impact the heart. This podcast has blessed me in so many ways!

An adrenaline shot of faith & love!
This is a fantastic podcast series! I love that it's a significant paradigm shift in the way we see and do "church". Shawn and his guests show how they're moved by love to reach this world in many different and sometimes unconventional ways. It's biblically sound teaching with a focus on God's now word to the body of Christ. It's been life changing for me. Don't miss it!

Breath of Fresh Air
Shawn is so relatable yet so open to where and how God will lead, even when it’s leading into a new though process. His podcast has answered some pivotal questions on my God journey and his book Translating God has challenged the way I see things in an awesome and loving way.

What I was looking for
This podcast provides testimony that encourages me and helps me to hear God even better. This has only increased my walk in hearing Gods truth for people and places. I was so hungry for this and here it is. So planning explained by so many different people. This show so blesses me everyone a new one comes out. I’ve passed this podcast on to many family member and friends. Thank you.

Increasing in understanding!
This podcast has been so helpful teaching me about the prophetic. Shawn is a great guide through the issues. My grandson loves the book Growing up God, as well. Fantastic in every way!

I find this podcast encouraging because it builds me up and helps me know that I am not alone in walking out the calling of ministry in the market place.

I look forward to these episodes every single week! This podcast is something I cannot live without. I’ve listen to every single one and walk away always feeling more encouraged, more hopeful, and more ready to look and see what God is doing and to listen with my ears to where he’s telling me to go. Sometimes I’m in tears and sometimes laughter but never ever disappointed.

A M A Z I N G !
This is my go to podcast. Life giving and encouraging. More people need to hear this and the different prospectives given on this podcast. Love how Shawn has created this platform for all walks of life to share what is going on behind the scenes.

Great Content
Shawn does a great job interviewing people from all over who have a unique gift and calling. I learn so much about what God is doing in different spheres of influence when I listen in and I’m encouraged to be bold and courageous.

Binge listening to every one
This stuff is amazing, I’m absolutely in love with Bolz Ministries right now, my husband and I can’t stop listening, it’s a binge listen through season 1, all day long - Thank you, we are changing

Great guests, topics, and related to everyday life. Try it!

Joseph Harris
Perfect guest perfect timing!! I needed this message from one chef to another. So many parallels and confirmations I needed in this exact moment. Grateful always for this podcast and Expression 58 :)

A MUST listen
Shawn is a great interviewer and story teller. He has credible guests on each week, and it has been such an encouragement hearing their stories. I can say I have grown in the prophetic since listening to this podcast- so blessed this exists!

Changed my life!
God led me to this podcast in an interesting way. This has helped me have a relationship with the Lord that I thought would never happen. I felt so distant and unworthy. Listening to these podcasts made me realize that I wasn’t alone. Never knew these existed and once I listened to the first podcast, I couldn’t get enough.. I’m a Christian but I had gone through something’s in my life that made me feel stuck. These podcasts changed my life. I was listening to 2-4 a day until I literally listened to every podcast from 2019-2018, and am now waiting for a new one each week. Thank you for having this podcast Shawn! The Lords presence is so powerful, transforming, loving and beautiful. 💖

This podcast is so good!!! It brings so much insight and awareness!!! Very inspirational!!!

Outstanding &eye opening
I love listening to this podcast when I can’t sit and do my bible study, hearing from the guests on the show provides me with a raw, unchurched look at a believers journey with God, i have learned to hear from God and see that it is His hand guiding me and not coincidence, every event and people in my life have a purpose and a reason for being there, listening creates a better understanding of my own personal walk with my papa.

PROFOUNDLY life impacting!!
It’s hard to sum up what this entire podcast has meant; as someone new to exploring the prophetic; but when your favorite mentors of faith, worship leaders and teachers jump in the seat of open conversation with Shawn; it has been life!!! THANK YOU!!!! ***oh and the episode with Stephanie Gretzinger 💕😭 ”His ability to be found is so much better than our desire to introduce him” 🔥 Love the ministry and realness your journey, Shawn & Cherie, points to!!! Thank you for pointing others to the possibility of the same

Can’t Get Enough!
This has been a transformative season listening to the stories and testimonies of the people that Shawn has interviewed. Gone are the days of spookie prophecies and now are the times and seasons of seeing and hearing and knowing how God truly loves his children. Thank you thank you thank you for this relevant insight into prophecy. Thank you for your authentic and relational approach to your friends and our Father God.

This podcast shares stories that increase my faith in God. So much of Christianity has been steeped in religion without knowledge of the power of God. However, there is still a thriving church because there has always been the living God! Thankful for this amazing resource.

Does anyone else cry almost every time they listen to one of these episodes? I love hearing other people’s stories of how God is working and has worked in their lives. It makes my vision for who God is and what he wants to do in my life so much larger. Thanks guys for producing this. Thank you for enlarging my vision!

Love it!
It is so good and refreshing to hear what God is doing in other people’s lives !!

100% Accurate Prophecy
Shawn prophesied over me at a conference in Troy, Mi this past week. Every word he spoke was right on from my name, to my job and ministry and what I’ve been hearing from God about those things. He even heard from the Lord about the 8-9 years of financial struggle we previously went through. He is full of Love and Jesus and that is why I appreciate his ministry.

Christina Lorraine
So good! God has really been revealing to me why we are to be most desirous of this gift. It’s like steroids for faith

Love it!
I Never miss an episode!!! Love Shawn and all his guests!

I love listening to exploring the prophet podcasts each morning as part of my quiet time. Not sure what I’ll do when I run out of episodes, but it’s a great reminder that I am not alone. Since starting a new job, my greatest worry has been that the work seems greater than my abilities. I’m surrounded by people with PHDs and masters degrees and I never even finished college. I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, but hearing this podcast is a reminder that I’m not in this alone. I don’t need to know how to solve all the problems, I just need to be willing to rely on Jesus. I have Jesus on my side, literal access to the unfettered wisdom and knowledge of God, access to the Holy Spirit, angels waiting to be sent out, the ability to hear God through dreams and visions... I’m not inadequate or unqualified for this position. I’m over qualified because greater is Jesus in me than anyone or anything in the world. The challenges I see at work, as big as they may seem, they are nothing to God so they need not be anything to me. Now if I can remember this when servers crash that would be awesome.

Faith builder! 🙌🏻
Shawn Bolz and his guests always share stories that build my faith! It’s so exciting to see how God is using people in everyday life!

Awesome stories
Absolutely amazing hearing all these stories of what God is doing around the world. I am so happy the episodes are getting longer. I definitely enjoy the 45 minute to an hour length episodes a lot more. Keep on producing such a wonderful show with so many amazing people.

The #1 Podcast of All Podcasts!
This is my go-to podcast for everything in life! The topics, speakers, and wisdom shared has taken me to a higher level of faith and a step closer to my destiny. The weekly podcast topics have spanned over every category of life and its speakers are from every walk of life - love it! I look forward to each week expecting to hear an amazing podcast and am NEVER disappointed! I finish each podcast inspired, empowered, and joyful that there is MORE to living as a Christ follower. Shawn doesn’t know it, but he’s my virtual spiritual mentor and this podcast has been my training class as I pursue the prophetic gift so I can give others a glimpse of the Father’s love for them ❤️ A Grateful Explorer!

Nathan Edwardson
So many nuggets of truth from Nathan in this podcast that hit me deeply as well as his vulnerability and great sense of humor. Thank you, Shawn, for sharing this interview.