
April 12, 2022

Pushing Back on the Spirit of Religion

We hear the phrase “spirit of religion” quite frequently these days. Nobody has a clear-cut consensus on what this phrase actually defines. It is a bit of an unformed awareness that a person, a creed, a church or a movement …
April 5, 2022

Why 5-Fold Ministry?

So, who is in charge of the church you attend? Where does the buck stop? Who is running the show? We know that Scripture validates human authority and leadership in the Church. There is consequently a human leader or group o…
March 29, 2022

Getting Radical About Spiritual Growth

Karen Smith, President of Kineo Ministry Training Center declares, “You are the steward of your own edification.” She is 100% correct. No singular spiritual leader in a church or anywhere in the kingdom can bring you into fu…
March 22, 2022

Shooting Yourself in the Soul

We are all familiar with the phrase “shooting yourself in the foot.” This phrase describes a self-inflicted wound that occurs through recklessness, foolishness or ignorance. It refers to some action that could have been avoi…
March 17, 2022

Being Right The Wrong Way

Do you think you are right most of the time? Well, if you are a committed follower of Jesus, then your answer should be YES. The only other possibility is that you believe that you are wrong most of the time, and that would …
March 8, 2022

Obeying Human authority - Must I?

An email from a listener sincerely asked Jeff, “Since I have the Holy Spirit, why do I have to obey the human leaders in my church?” More than just this one listener has wondered about this. Is it not risky to submit our spi…
March 1, 2022

The Pain of Sanctification

Would you agree that the expression of Christianity in America is less than awesome? When we survey the depth of commitment, the breadth of influence, the height of power in the American Church, what do we conclude? Honest o…
Feb. 22, 2022

Why Christians Burn Out & How To Fix It

There is no avoiding the reality that every Christian is called, equipped, and expected to serve God. We do this by serving people. God needs no service Himself. He commissions each of us to serve Him by serving other people…
Feb. 15, 2022

Allergic to Truth

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ decree that those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Have you ever taken the time to consider what He meant? What does it mean to worship the God of the Bible in Spirit?…
Feb. 8, 2022

Fear of God vs. Living Afraid of God

It never occurred to Jeff Lyle that a simple Facebook post would generate so much drama. Maybe he was naïve, but he never thought that the following statement would trigger so many. Does it trigger you? “You can obey a God o…
Feb. 1, 2022

The Coming Delusion - PART 2

Note: This is part 2 of 2 in this podcast mini-series. Please listen to part 1 first. Have you ever heard of the Coming Delusion? When Christians speak of this aspect of future events, they are usually referencing what is wr…
Jan. 25, 2022

The Coming Delusion - PART 1

Have you ever heard of the Coming Delusion? When Christians speak of this aspect of future events, they are usually referencing what is written by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. Many of those Christians mak…
Jan. 18, 2022

Jesus & The Divisive Spirit

Jesus-followers are often known for their inability to walk in peace and harmony with others. Let’s be truthful: we can be just as petty and divisive as non-Christians (maybe more so?). Ego, judgmentalism, lovelessness and t…
Jan. 11, 2022

What Are You Doing With Your Life?

It’s already a new year and the clock is ticking quickly into a calendar that never stops turning its pages. We are getting closer and closer to the end of things as we have known them. The climactic changes that usher in th…
Jan. 4, 2022

Is That God’s Voice Or My Voice?

The Church needs to regain a grip of discerning whether or not God is speaking to us or whether we are speaking to ourselves. Prophetic Ministry among Charismatics needs a mini-reformation. We need to clean up things a bit. …
Dec. 28, 2021

Running Uphill Against Giants

So, a brand-new year is upon us once again. How are you feeling after the back-to-back intensity of 2020 and 2021? Maybe 2022 will be easier. Maybe this will be the year of your breakthrough. Maybe things will finally start …
Dec. 21, 2021

How to Rightly Address Your Weakness

Nobody signed up to become weaker this year. Nobody loves staring in a spiritual mirror and being unable to deny what is lacking in our own personal walk with Jesus. Nobody naturally rejoices in the things which seemingly ho…
Dec. 14, 2021

Prophetic Encouragement About Christmas

In America, Christmas time is almost exclusively sentimental. We meet. We greet. We eat. We spend. We give. We receive. Decorations are pretty and the Christmas songs are sweet. Only among Christians is the actual meaning be…
Dec. 7, 2021

How Cancer Became My Servant

In this episode of Mavericks & Misfits , Jeff shares his personal testimony of his battle with cancer from late 2019 into late 2020. Why didn’t God heal him via a miracle? Is the fact that God healed him through medicine a c…
Nov. 30, 2021

Dagon Versus Yahweh

God has never been in actual fight. He has been opposed, but in the sense of a fight including an uncertainty of outcome, God knows nothing of the sort. In the Old Testament, a frequent foe of Israel was the Philistines. The…
Nov. 23, 2021

Love That Bleeds

What kind of love are you releasing? It is not enough for us to assume that we are loving Christians - we need to work to discern at the specific type of love which comes off from us in our daily walks. From a simple verse i…
Nov. 16, 2021

Occasional Struggle Vs. Habitual Sin

Where is the line drawn between a true Christian who occasionally battles a particular sin versus a religiously Christianized person who is bound in their habitual sin? One is born again, one isn’t. Both think that they are.…
Nov. 9, 2021

Getting Spiritual Freedom

Do you still believe that God can set you completely free? Many Christians are okay with trudging their way through life, only believing in powerful victory at the point in which they enter Heaven. Is that really what Jesus …
Nov. 2, 2021

Killing Recurring Sin

Any honest Christian will admit that somewhere along the line they have encountered a stubborn issue in their lives in which it is/was difficult to experience lasting victory. We have weaknesses that are unique to us. Some o…