
Oct. 26, 2021

Do We Truly Want Revival?

We sing about it. We pray for it. We fast toward it. Prophets promise it. Teachers document what it looks like from past occurrences. Pastors strategize to lead their flocks into it . EVEYRONE WANTS REVIVAL! Or do we? In thi…
Oct. 19, 2021

Before Revival Comes

Most everyone in the prophetic community believes that a great revival will come before Jesus returns to the earth. Among those who believe so, there is a large number of voices that believe we are getting very close. What C…
Oct. 12, 2021

Introverted and Isolated Are Not Synonyms

What does an unknown radio host from the late 1970’s have in common with two ancient tribes of the people of Israel? It might be faint, but there is a connecting line between them. Here is a hint: God does not desire any of …
Oct. 5, 2021

Doing the Work of God in the Flesh

None of us wants to fail. We are super dependent upon God’s grace to be applied when we do stumble in our words, thoughts and actions. It is awesome to rest in the fact that when we sin, God’s grace will abound above our sin…
Sept. 28, 2021

God Is Bringing People Out of the Spirit of Fear

Sometimes strong people experience shaken faith. If you have never had your faith rattled for even a short time, then you likely are not attempting to do much for the glory of God in your life. When we consider that God is a…
Sept. 21, 2021

Why Prayers Often Go Unanswered

There are some intensely bold statements in the bible about the effective power of our prayers. God’s Word calls Christians to pray consistently with the expectation of Him answering our prayers and creating shifts according…
Sept. 14, 2021

Is Falling Out In the Spirit Legitimate?

Many who come from a denominational version of Christianity were caught off guard the first time they witnessed someone falling out in a Charismatic worship gathering. Because of their lack of exposure to such things, they f…
Sept. 7, 2021

The Need Among Today’s Prophets

The Church needs to go on record and declare that there is a desperate need for more God-sent prophets today who speak the true word of the Lord. Our generation is being pulled with deception from multiple directions each an…
Aug. 31, 2021

Covid 19 & The Mark of the Beast

Jesus foretold the growing number of pestilences (pandemics) that will hit the planet at the end of the age. The last twenty years has clearly initiated the beginning of the fulfillment of His prophecy. Multiple pestilences …
Aug. 24, 2021

Fighting With Truth As Your Weapon

This crazy culture is full of dark deception and frenzied with audacious lies. From the media, the government, the elites in Hollywood and the power-gripping cabals scattered across the globe, it’s a constant sewage-stream o…
Aug. 17, 2021

Setting Yourself Apart

We have all heard the term religious spirit . We typically think of someone who is critical, judgmental, sanctimonious, and possibly controlling. Nobody wants to be that person and, frankly, nobody wants to be around that pe…
Aug. 10, 2021

Explaining Hebrews 6:4-6

The go-to passage for those who believe that a truly born again Christian can fall away from the faith is typically Hebrews 6:4-6. But does this passage actually teach that? If so, how does it get reconciled with the enormou…
Aug. 3, 2021

Guarded By God

In this final of four episodes on the topic of the great falling away at the end of the age, we take time to consider whether or not the idea that truly saved people can ever become lost is consistent with the character of G…
July 27, 2021

Jesus & John Talk About Falling Away

In this third episode on the topic of the great falling away at the end of the age, we give our ear to the words of the Apostle John and the words of Jesus Christ. Both Jesus and John spoke specifically about the issue of wh…
July 20, 2021

Might I Fall Away? Well, It Depends

In this second episode on the topic of those who fall away and commit apostasy at the end of the age, we dive into several passage of Scriptures that help clear up some of the surrounding issues to this difficult topic. Clea…
July 13, 2021

Who Can Fall Away at the End of the Age?

Scripture is clear that there will be a massive rebellion and rejection of Christ at the end of the age. The teachings of Jesus, along with the writings of the Apostles Paul, Peter and John all declare that the coming of the…
July 6, 2021

Six Flies That Spoil the Oil

Operating under the anointing is a non-negotiable for the servant of God. Mark it down: God NEVER gives an assignment that can be sustained apart from His abiding anointing. He does not want His children to think they can do…
June 29, 2021

Here Come The Spiritual Fathers

If there is one thing we should never be known for, it is the reputation of being a generational critic. What is it about some Christians who seek to grow in the art of pointing out all that is wrong with the generation comi…
June 22, 2021

Race, Politics & Outrage in the Church

All Christians understand on some level that we are get along with each other. Fewer understand the intense spiritual reality that God has established that makes our unity a priority. Jesus did not merely die for individuals…
June 15, 2021

When God Goes Silent

Many Christians pursue deeper encounters with God. The God of the bible is highly interactive. In fact, God so desired interaction with humans that He became one of us in the person of Jesus Christ. God the Son experienced w…
June 9, 2021

How Jesus Fixes Hypocrisy

In ancient times, an actor on stage was often known as a comes from the Greek word hypókrisis , meaning “play acting”. It referred to a person who wore a mask in front of others to pretend they were someone else. This is the…
June 1, 2021

Jesus When You Are Weak

In the dream, everyone was dirty, struggling, hungry and without direction. The scene was a dusty, third-world marketplace. A handful of Americans were ministering to Africans and Middle Easterners who were flooding the mark…
May 25, 2021

The Ministry of Accusation

What if you were actually loading the weapon that the devil is about to shoot you with? The issue of spiritual combat is not something any of us get to opt out from. You are being targeted by the demonic realm. The primary p…
May 18, 2021

How God Delivers Us From Doubt

The life of faith is sometimes pictured as God calling us out into the deep waters where we quickly find ourselves in over our heads. This is actually an accurate illustration of what following Jesus is supposed to look like…