
Jan. 7, 2021

Tongues: Heavenly Passion & Humble Precision

God did not send the gifts of the Spirit so that Christians could argue about them. These gifts are ministry tools to advance the Gospel and edify believers. If we are spending more time debating them than actually pursuing …
Dec. 31, 2020

TONGUES: Avoiding Two Extremes

How did the gift of tongues become so controversial? Why is it that things can get awkward (or even heated!) when this topic arises among sincere Christians who view tongues differently than one another. One segment of the B…
Dec. 29, 2020

TONGUES: Uses, Misuses & Abuses

The most theological man found in all of the Bible was the Apostle Paul. He was an intellectual genius. His mind was unparalleled. He was biblically informed and deeply disciplined. And, according to his own testimony, Paul …
Dec. 22, 2020

TONGUES: The Orbit of the Controversy

Finally! We get to dive into the ever-controversial gift of Tongues. In this first session about tongues, we explore the three times tongues are mentioned in the Book of Acts. Many who struggle with the gifts of the Holy Spi…
Dec. 17, 2020

Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Speaking Gifts & Serving Gifts

The Apostle Paul was not the only writer who addressed the gifts of the Spirit. In his first letter, the Apostle Peter laid out some important, yet simple, spiritual guidance about the charismata (Holy Spirit gifts). Peter b…
Dec. 10, 2020

Practical Guidance for Using Your Spiritual Gifts

All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are supernatural giftings. They are not the same as natural talents or learned skills. While talent and skill can be used by God, they are never a substitute for the charismata (grace gift…
Dec. 8, 2020

What Are the Specific Gifts & How Do We Use Them?

Most of those listening to this podcast series on the gifts of the Spirit will be familiar with terms such as word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy, healings, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings and discerning…
Dec. 3, 2020

Spiritual Gifts: Blueprints for the Body

When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of a person, He comes bearing gifts. The book of 1st Corinthians has much to say about these gifts and how important it is that Christians understand what is taught about them. How m…
Nov. 26, 2020

Spiritual Gifts: Green Lights & Guardrails

God gives the Church the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up others in the faith. The gifts are ministry tools, not ministry tricks. We not only need to seek, receive and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit,…
Nov. 24, 2020

Debunking the Myth of Cessationism

Did you know that the Bible teaches that there will be a time when the gifts of the Holy Spirit completely cease? Tongues will vanish. Prophecy will pass off the scene. Revelatory knowledge will no longer be an active minist…
Nov. 19, 2020

Why Do We Need the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

One of the reasons many Christians do not prioritize the gifts of the Holy Spirit is because they have never seen them used as God designed. We who operate in the supernatural gifting of God the Spirit are well aware that so…
Nov. 19, 2020

Who Needs the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Every. Single. Christian. That’s who needs the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What is even better news is that all Christians are already gifted by the Holy Spirit. As we study the Scriptures, we see clearly that spiritual gifts …
Nov. 12, 2020

What the Apostle Paul Teaches About the Holy Spirit

The call of the Father for all of those who have believed upon His Son is to walk in the Spirit. The Christian life is not primarily intellectual or emotional. It is relational . We Christians are to do life with God. How do…
Nov. 10, 2020

What Jesus Teaches About the Holy Spirit

How is it that people who equally love and honor Jesus can reach such different conclusions about the person and work of God the Spirit? Isn’t it just like the devil to create division in the Church over that member of the G…
Nov. 5, 2020

Revival & Refusing to Give In to Weariness

When you received Jesus as Lord over your life, there was one component that He made a permanent reality without asking for your input. Jesus made you a SOLDIER in His army. That’s right, none of us come into the Kingdom wit…
Nov. 3, 2020

Revival & the Call to Honor

When Jesus assumed the role of the lowest household servant by washing the feet of the disciples, He left us an example. He told the disciples that they could not comprehend in the moment what exactly He was doing when He wa…
Oct. 27, 2020

Revival & the Need for Oil

Jesus once released a famous parable that focused on a wedding. There were ten virgin bridesmaids all awaiting the Bridegroom to appear so that the wedding festivities could begin. In the parable, Jesus declares that half of…
Oct. 27, 2020

Revival & the Sanctity of Life

It is likely that every true Christian would desire God-sent revival if they thought long enough about the possibility. Who among us would not wish to witness mass salvations, widescale miraculous healings, open deliverance …
Oct. 27, 2020

Remarrying Word & Spirit

If forced to choose which of these two treasures would most flavor your Christianity, which would you pick? The Word of God or The power of the Holy Spirit Quite the dilemma, isn’t it? Well, thanks be to God that He has neve…
Oct. 14, 2020

Introducing, Mavericks & Misfits!

Amidst all the fading trends and fossilized traditions that pass themselves off as Christianity, many Jesus-followers find themselves spiritually homeless, living without a tribe to which they can connect. There has to be a …