
May 12, 2021

The Desire & Destiny of Satan

Many people understand and believe in a literal devil. The Bible teaches that he exists. Jesus was fully aware of the reality of Satan, and He battled Satan in the wilderness. But where did the devil come from? How did he be…
May 4, 2021

Charismatics & Baptists Together?

What if I told you that one of the most significant prophetic words I have ever heard came from a 5-point Calvinist Baptist preacher in the year 1855? You might very well choke on your skepticism. But it is the truth. One of…
April 27, 2021

Muzzling the Devil

It seems that there is no shortage of talk about spiritual warfare. It is always a hot topic among believers and most Christians are interested in it on some level. In fact, Christians love to debate one another on the issue…
April 20, 2021

Perceiving A New Move of God

God is not trapped in the Bible. While He never operates in contradiction to what He reveals about Himself in Scripture, God is not locked in a historical vault. While you might think that is obvious, many Christians will fi…
April 13, 2021

Five Accusations Against the Servant of God

When two loudmouthed losers showed up on the scene at an ancient scene where God was doing a new work, the accusations they released against God’s servants got preserved in the Word of God. From their intentionally harmful a…
April 6, 2021

What To Look For In A Leader

Many of us have read more leadership books than we can count. These books can be very valuable to those who are called by God to lead in the Kingdom. Yet not all of these books seem to agree with each other about what the no…
March 30, 2021

Misplaced Priorities In The Kingdom

Jesus used some interesting, thought-provoking phrases when He preached to the crowds. On one particular day, Jesus told some proud religious leaders that they constantly lived life “straining out a gnat and swallowing a cam…
March 18, 2021

Fixing A Broken Mind

Your mind has always had a bullseye on it. More than your body or your emotions, the enemy designs to seize control of your thinking because the mind is the control center for the life of the Christian. Anger, depression, an…
March 16, 2021

How To Fight Fairly In The Kingdom

Most of us were told as children, “Don’t play with fire.” This is wise and helpful instruction from parents to children which is meant to protect them from harming themselves and others. There is also a very important spirit…
March 11, 2021

This Generation: It's Time For You to Step Out

What if Holy Spirit chose not to ever show up again at your home church? Is an idea like this even possible? Well, it depends on whether or not we simply presume upon His omnipresence versus hungering for His presiding prese…
March 9, 2021

This Generation: What God Will Do

The most important thing that we can understand in any generation is the answer to the question, “What is God presently doing?” Throughout the history of the Church, God has always had a remnant of people who cared deeply to…
March 4, 2021

Can We Love Our Bibles Too Much?

Don't be shocked, but the answer is YES. We can actually love our bibles too much. Jesus is actually the one who taught us this startling truth. The two extremes that seem to mark the American church is 1) those who have lit…
March 2, 2021

Second Coming: Instructions & Preparations

We are in trouble if we ever lose our awareness that all of the commands, instructions and practical counsel of Scripture is given to us in the context of being ready for the return of Jesus. When God tells us how to live, i…
Feb. 23, 2021

Nadab & Abihu - Why Supernatural Encounter is Not Enough

What if you were handpicked by God and invited to ascend up a mountain to meet with Him in personal, visible supernatural encounter? You would be overwhelmed with that kind of immeasurable honor, right? Well, we would like t…
Feb. 18, 2021

Where Did the Prophets Go?

We should thank God for pastors and teachers who ground us in the Word and lead us as the flock of God. We should rejoice when apostolic mantles become evident on those in the Kingdom who will take new territory for the King…
Feb. 11, 2021

Understanding Identity & Assignment

Do we still believe that God calls people to significant purposes in our generation? If so, do we consider that one of those people whom He is calling is… you? So many people have believed the lies and accusations fed them f…
Feb. 9, 2021

CHANGES: Swapping Out Your Saul for David

God doesn’t have to ask permission. God doesn’t have to wait on an invitation. God never puts His sovereign plans on pause until we are comfortable. If you are living in the Kingdom, you are living under the promise of regul…
Feb. 4, 2021

Upsizing Your View of the Kingdom

If we only grasped the intense difference between a little-k & big-K view of God’s Kingdom, we would never settle for the lesser version of Christianity. What does it mean to upsize your understanding of God’s Kingdom? As lo…
Feb. 2, 2021

How should a Christian Voice Political Dissent?

The Church in America has a love/hate relationship with politics. We love when our candidate wins and the other one loses. We want our politicians to express and advance our spiritual, philosophical and cultural values. It i…
Jan. 28, 2021

The Kingdom of God Is Not What You Think

When the new year found us on the calendar, many of us made a resolution to… shrink . We wanted to drop a few pounds and lose a few inches. The holidays brought meals, sweets and treats and the bathroom scale told us that we…
Jan. 26, 2021

How to Receive the Gift of Prophecy

In this final episode in the series on Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Jeff Lyle release practical counsel based on scriptural wisdom about how all of us can pursue the gift of prophecy. While nowhere in Scripture is there listed …
Jan. 21, 2021

Can A True Prophet Get It Wrong?

"Houston, we have a problem!" Those famous words from decades in the past are often used by us in modern days to indicate that there is a significant issue which needs to be addressed. Church, we have a problem! The issue of…
Jan. 19, 2021

Is There a Difference Between Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament Prophecy?

The controversy over prophetic ministry is nothing new. In fact, the early Church, in order to keep the gift of prophecy from being recklessly used, employed a means of testing and confirming prophetic words. Prophecy was no…
Jan. 12, 2021

PROPHECY: What Exactly Is This Gift?

2020 was, for many, the year where an ugly spotlight fell on prophetic ministry. So many voices in the Charismatic Church boldly declared that Donald Trump would win the election and have another four years in the Oval Offic…